What’s up on the Economics Bachelors?

1 min read

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A four year Bachelor of Science in Economics from IIT Bombay has been in the works for a while now, and the first batch of admissions is hoped to begin from 2017.

It has been proposed that the admissions to this programme will be through the Joint Entrance Examination, currently used for admissions in all engineering and science fields at the IITs. Similar programmes already exist at an undergraduate level in IIT Kanpur and IIT Kharagpur.

According to the current proposal of the Humanities and Social Science (HSS) department, the batch strength for the batch will initially be 20 to 30 students with the first year curriculum the same as other engineering students. The proposal, however, has still not been passed by the Undergraduate Programme Committee and the Senate.

There was a slight delay earlier due to the required number of faculty members to run a degree course not being available but according to Prof. Parthasarathi, the Head of Department, HSS, the faculty strength should be adequate by the time admissions start. If this degree course turns out to be a success, then then the Department will look further into extending it into a honors or dual degree course. Apart from this, Prof. Parthasarthi also added that there is a committee set up to review the HSS minor degree and they are looking into the possibility of specialised minors in Economics and Cognitive Studies in the Department.


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