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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (210100035@iitb.ac.in), Ishita Poddar (21b030016@iitb.ac.in)
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in
The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editors: Rishabh Israni, Chintan Savla
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a council in possession of Valfis, must be in want of an Aamras spike(d).
With Valfis right around the corner and in the light of nuisance faced by the hostel inmates in the valfi season every year, the Security Office, in an emergency meeting with Dean of Student Affairs and Hostel Wardens over the weekend, has unanimously decided to ensue vigilance over any Valedictory events and the various ‘aspects’ of these events. Special vigilance teams have been handed the responsibility to check every vehicle at the institute entrances, and Wardens, along with volunteer teams will be frequently raiding rooms in the hostel conducting the valfi, to enforce the same.
In further clarification, Insight informs the students that the administration’s take on these findings will not be as pliant as usual (Valfi times call for special measures, after all). Graduating students who want to conduct valfis will be held responsible for any debauchery witnessed during the event. If deemed culpable, they will be liable to a fine of Rs 15,000.
Furthermore, boys will not be allowed in the H10 valfi. The administration is of the view, that ‘there have been a few unpleasant incidences in the past, the recurrence of which should be prevented in future’. Anyone caught in wilful contravention of these rules will be subject to strict disciplinary action by the administration.
In the best interest of the student community, everyone is requested to carefully consider this notice before planning their valfis. For the official order please click here.