The Masters Switch

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The interdisciplinary dual degree programme (IDDP) approved by the senate in September 2017 is now operational. The programme is  expected to cater to the multi-disciplinary demands of industry and research institutes.


What are the eligibility criteria for IDDP?

B.Tech. students enrolled in any of the engineering programmes who have a  CPI >= 7.5 at the end of the sixth semester without any active backlogs are eligible for this program. However, this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition and does not guarantee the acceptance of the students’ application for the IDDP programme. The selection will be made once the application has been submitted by the student for approval. For this year, they have kept an upper cap of only two students from each specialisation. The administration may increase the number of students per specialisation in the next year.
Note – The Interdisciplinary dual degree program is currently available only for the students who are pursuing a B. Tech. Degree. So, for example, a Meta Dual student (or any dual degree student) cannot apply for IDDP.


What specializations can students opt for through IDDP to pursue a masters degree?

Eligible students have the option to shift to the IDDP (with or without Honors) with specialization in one of the following:

  1. Electrical Engineering – Communications & Signals Processing and Microelectronics
  2. Energy Science and Engineering
  3. Engineering Physics
  4. Mechanical Engineering – Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Computer Aided Design and Automation, Thermal and Fluids Engineering
  5. Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science – Metallurgical Process Engineering, Ceramics and Composites


What are the extra courses that I will have to do to pursue an IDDP?

So, there are two options available –

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The exact courses that need to be done have to finalised in consultation with the HoD/DUGC of the intended department.


What is the process of application?

This form has to be duly filled, signed and submitted.

What are the factors that play an important role in the application?

CPI, detailed course plan and previous experience in the proposed M. Tech. department is important to support the application.


How to choose an advisor for the dual-degree project?

If a student has already worked with an instructor in the proposed M. Tech. department, they can choose the instructor if the latter agrees to be their guide. Otherwise, they can propose three names of their choice in the form.


Since this is the first offering of the IDDP, the students who applied for the same would definitely have valuable insights about this program and the application process, which may be useful to know for other students who wish to apply for this program in future. We had a chat with Shrenik Jain, a fourth year student in Department of MEMS whose application for IDDP with specialization in Microelectronics in Department of Electrical Engineering was recently approved.


What was your motivation behind choosing IDDP in Electrical Engineering?

I had developed an interest in Electrical Engineering early on – This was also my bifocal subject in my 11th, 12th Std. I wanted a year to figure out what I wanted to do next. It so happened that IDDP got approved last semester. So, I had two options – DD in MEMS or IDDP in EE. I was already pursuing a minor in EE. I had taken up an R&D project under a Professor of the EE Department (now my DDP guide) in my 6th and 7th semester and established a very good rapport with him. So, I thought why not go for IDDP in EE itself. Also, I launched my startup 6 months back which requires me to have some technical skills in electrical engineering. All this led me to pursue an IDDP in Elec.


Many of the things need Interdisciplinary knowledge. I think Materials Science + Elec can be a niche in Semiconductors. Another good niche in Processes is Elec+Mech). Also, as the Institute is slowly reducing the number of DD seats, I think this IDDP will be a perfect replacement for that. People can explore their interest for the first 2/3 years, try working with different Profs and then based on their liking pursue an IDDP M.Tech. in the field of their choice.


Why did you choose IITB for masters when you could have gone for MS abroad?

Our EE department is ranked 55 in the world in QS rankings, which is a big plus. Almost a full semester goes in getting recommendation letters, writing SOPs, giving GRE, TOEFL, GATE etc Since, I had a good experience doing the R&D Project under my guide, I chose to do my masters here and have already started working on my Dual Degree Project.


What were the problems that you faced in the application process?

The process was completely offline and hence the application moved slowly between different offices where it was needed for approval. Hopefully, it will be smoother next year.


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Pursuing his Passion, Ashay Tejwani, Tech Guru

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