Passing out Formalities – 2019

7 mins read

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Leaving college after a long stay as a student involves a lot of work – lots of forms to fill and things to sort out.

To make this easier on you, we’ve compiled a ‘To-Do’ list specific to your programme.

The article is divided into 4 parts, in the following order – Formalities regarding Alumni Membership, Formalities for UGs, Formalities for PGs and the Informal ‘To-Do List.

In case anyone comes across any conflicting or alternate procedures other than the ones given here, please let us know at

ADVICE  – In general, while roaming around the campus to take care of your formalities, try and keep money around for situations you unearth along the way, like the library fine accumulated by keeping that Kreyszig for 3 years.


  1. Fill up the Alumni form on the ASC website and take a print out. Go to the Alumni office and submit it. Money for Alumni registration (Rs. 2000) is automatically deducted from the Caution Money account.
  2. If you do not want to become a member of the IITBAA, you have to write to IITBAA before the Convocation Ceremony. You can, however, choose to enroll for a Life Membership later, if you decide.
  3. If you want to pledge a certain percentage of your salary to the institute, you can go to the Alumni Office and do so, and get a complimentary T-Shirt. If you pledge, you will definitely be contacted by the office, so don’t take the pledge lightly.



  1. For those who haven’t done a BTP, start reading the instructions from point 3 onwards.
  2. Make sure that your BTP report formalities are done. You might need to get copies of your report duly signed by the HoD and other panelists, or just uploading an online copy of it on the library portal would be enough, depending on your department.
  3. Get the library dues cleared at the library office and make sure that you return all the books.
  4. Now get the department no-dues form signed. This could be very department-specific, so first check in with the Department. Office (maybe a senior too) to learn the process. You may require signatures from various labs, etc. Submit any BTP reports at the Department Office. For those who haven’t done a BTP, a remark from the Fac-Ad saying that “there is no requirement for project submission” on the no dues form might be necessary.
  5. Next, fill the Hostel no-dues form from the Hall Manager. This would require clearances from the mess, canteen, hostel library, and such. Also, make sure that there are no dues remaining from your H-15 and H-16 hostels. Though the dues in the senior hostels are settled by the hostel immediately the same is not the case with the Freshie hostels.
  6. Following that, fill the Convocation form on the ASC website and submit it in the Academic Office. People who are not in the institute can scan the same and submit it.

NOTE – Accounts section takes one day to process the no-dues forms.

Dual Degree Students

  1. Pay for your convocation form on the ASC website, fill it up and submit the hard copy in the Academic office.
  2. For the presentation, get as many soft-bound reports as the no. of members on the panel. These reports are NOT, as the panel might suggest potential changes which need to be incorporated into the final report.
  3. Once the final report is prepared, you could give it to a Xerox shop for binding. H1/H8 is known to do it well. Charges there are Rs.8/15, depending on quality, per colour print out, 75 paise per b/w page and Rs.150/250/280, again depending on quality, per book for binding. He takes a day to give the final report.
  4. Once the final copies are printed, get them signed by all the panelist professors on the approval sheet. Sign the declaration page and take scans of both the approval page and declaration and include these two pages in your soft copy of the report.
  5. Go to the library and submit the e-copy with scans on the library website. You will have to also take two printouts of your abstract from this website, get it signed by your guide and hand a copy to the library to clear your library dues.
  6. Go to the department, fill up a form (for submitting the reports) with your guide’s signature and submit two copies in the department office, one copy of the report to the guide and one copy for yourself. Then, finish the department no-dues.
  7. Wrap up the hostel no-dues in the end.
  8. Arrange to collect the Uttariya during the 1st week of August, after producing the cash receipt of the Convocation form (or a scanned copy of it).

Note: Formalities for submission of the BTP and DDP might differ depending on your department. Please consider this as only an indicative list and do confirm with your Fac-Ad and Department Office for submission and passing out formalities.


Alright, this is a rather drawn-out process. This list, based on a guide released by the electrical department, is divided into three sections – before, during, and after the final stage presentation.

Before the presentation*:

  1. Pay the convocation fees on the ASC website and take a printout of the receipt. Then, fill the Convocation form on the website. The name written here (in both English and Hindi) appears as is in the M. Tech degree certificate.
  2. (Alternatively) You can also fill the Convocation form available in the department office instead of filling it online. Submit the form at the Academic section (you can also submit it later after you finish all the procedures).
  3. As soon as you submit the rough draft of the dissertation to your guide (approx. 10 days before presentation though it may vary), get the ‘Four Copy Form’ from the department and fill it. Get the signature from your guide. Make sure you and your guide fill the date as at least 10 days before the date of the presentation.
  4. Go to the Accounts section on the 2nd floor of the Main Building. Apply for the ‘Clearance Certificate’. This will take a day.
  5. Go to hall manager and ask for the ‘Clearance Form’. Fill it and get his signature. You can also fill the ‘Vacation Form’ if you know the date of leaving. The Vacation Form requires the signature of the mess contractor
  6. Submit the ‘Four Copy Form’ along with the two certificates (from the Hostel and the Accounts section) to your in-charge in the Academic section. He will give you five no-clearance forms in which you have to get the respective signatures and submit. No clearance forms can be submitted after the presentation, so get the forms and keep them safe. (For details on clearance forms, see below$$)

*In case you have already given the presentation, it would still be possible to get these done, so don’t worry. This is just a general guideline.

For the presentation:

  1. There is a form available in the department office which asks for the name of guide (supervisor), chairperson and examiners. This is supposed to be filled, along with the guide’s signature, before the presentation. Fill this and submit it in the office.
  2. If your external is from outside IITB, there are some honorarium forms and invitation letters to be sent. These are available at the department office.
  3. For the presentation, you need four (or five, in case of a co-guide) soft-bound copies of your report. (Do check with the department office regarding the submission of a pen drive containing your work). You should have submitted these hard copies (and probably soft copies in a pen drive) to your guide(s), internal examiner, external examiner and chairperson much before the presentation date. Make sure to get the bill of all the printing, copying and binding expenses, as IITB reimburses up to Rs. 1000.
  4. Approval sheets (usually the number of hardbound reports that you will be printing after presentation) can be printed and kept ready during the presentation (Get signatures from the examiners, guides and chairperson during the presentation).
  5. Get the Final Stage Evaluation form from the department office before the presentation. Fill it and give it to the respective people during the presentation.

After the presentation:

  1. Make the corrections to the report as mentioned during the presentation (if any).
  2. Submit the soft copy of the report and its abstract in the Central Library through ASC (Check the guidelines and pop-ups in the library interface before submitting). The approval sheet and the integrity sheet have to be scanned and attached properly in the soft copy of your report before uploading.
  3. Take 2 printouts of the abstract submitted in the library from the homepage of the library submission interface under the link ‘2018-2019 submissions’. Get them signed at the bottom by your guide. One is for the library (just for approval) and the other for the department.
  4. Give the report for printing. Check the paper gsm, binding colour, embossment colors and other guidelines to be followed while printing (guidelines can be obtained from the dept. office). The number of copies of the hard-bound report is 4/5 – 2 for the dept office, 1/2 for guide(s) and 1 for you.
  5. From the dept office, take the form stating that you submitted two copies and the ‘Reimbursement form’. When you submit your hard bound report to your guide, get his signature on the ‘two-copy form’. Get the sign from the dept office when you submit the 2 copies of your report and the abstract that you got signed from the guide.
  6. Get the guide’s signature at the back of all the bills. Fill the reimbursement form and get your guide’s signature. Submit them at the department office.
  7. Get a sign from the library (an office inside the reference section) on the ‘two copy form’ (after you upload the report and submit your signed abstract).
  8. Submit the ‘two-copy form’ in the Academic section.
  9. Upload a soft copy of the report named ‘rollno.pdf’ in the PC lab interface.

Getting clearances:

As mentioned earlier, there are 5 clearance forms given by the Academic section. These clearance forms can either be submitted at the respective places or you can get the required signatures and submit them yourself.

  1. Hospital clearance – Submit at the reception. Take your hospital file also.
  2. Estate office – From IDC, walk in the opp. direction of the Main Building.
  3. Hostel clearance – Submit it to the hall manager.
  4. Library clearance
  5. Department clearance – There should be around 4-5 forms to be obtained from, and submitted to, the department office (ex: guide, labs, stores, dept library, etc.)


  1. Apply for the provisional certificate. (Possibly only after your grades are put up and all dues are cleared). A provisional certificate is a document issued by the institute stating that you have completed your graduation. It is a temporary certificate that can be used to look for jobs until the original certificate is issued by the institute.
  2. Fill the vacation form for the hostel, and give the required vacation dates in the mess.
  3. Send any excess luggage through express delivery, if required. The Hostel Affairs council has arranged for transportation of your luggage at discounted rates. DTDC Express Ltd. will be providing this service. You can contact :

Mr. Umesh – (8451800513/518), (Email

Customer Service: Mr. Shekhar- (8970578622), (Email id:

If you have any queries, you can contact the GSHA –Arbaj Ahmed(+91-9987096721)

We hope that this guide helps you to manage things in a smoother way.

The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editors: Saman Siddiqui and Varun Sule
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