Midterm Review: GSTA

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As Semester comes to an end, we at Insight bring to you the Midterm-review of the work done till now by General Secretary of Technical Affairs, Shobhna Misra and her council, and at the same time, highlighting projects in conceptualization period. By the date this report is being released she has successfully completed 34.9% of her manifesto points, with 53.5% in progress, and rest yet to be started. There are no initiatives that have been ditched as of now.

Talking of Tinkerers’ Laboratory, the GSTA has been able to conduct monthly hands-on Training & safety sessions on machining tools in the Laboratory and has restarted  “Order what you need”, that allows anyone to request technical equipment & consumables.

The TL Donation Drive, an attempt to collect technical equipment from the graduating batch of seniors, has been implemented successfully.TL Open House, TL Website, Feedback System are currently in progress at different stages of completion.

Moving to Technical Projects, Technovation has been relaunched, TechGSR has been revived and the platform has been provided for the continuation of ITSPs as Semester Projects.

Common Tech Calendar for all Tech Teams has been resumed. The series “Meet the Team”, and Monthly Digest is ongoing.

The Inter IIT Tech Camp has been held in time. The Showcase projects for Inter IIT and the introduction of individual competition leaders are in line.

The proposal pertaining to Technical clubs has seen quite an advance with Chemistry club being established, Advanced Technical workshops (IoT etc.) held in time, Tech events made more involving and enjoyable. The “Tech Profiles” in InstiApp has been created so as to ease resume verification. The creation of ITC wiki, publishing of bimonthly work reports and making academics more practical by demonstrating engineering principles through simple experiments is being ideated and worked upon and is yet to see completion.

The Lecture series is in the ideation phase and will be conducted from December as promised for PGs and senior UGs. The setting up of Student Reading Groups (SRGs) is already done

The formation of Creatives and Media team to increase publicity and outreach has been accomplished, though popularising YouTube Channel is yet to reap completely.

Some of the projects are yet to materialize like How things Work (HTW), availing Kindles in TL and publicizing IPR sessions held by IRCC for project and Startup enthusiasts.

The Tech Council has been able to execute most of the initiatives and revamp previous projects. We wish good-luck to GSTA, and her council to carry-on this at even better completion-rate and ensure the manifesto points are delivered effectively.

GS METER:- http://gsmetre.insightiitb.org/tech


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Midterm Review: GSTA

Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without