Memorable Day for IITB Rubik’s Club

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It was a pretty eventful day for the IIT Bombay Rubik’s Club. The Guinness Record certificates had arrived and the participants met on the 11th of January for a photo-shoot with their certificates.

The Rubik’s Club was started a couple of years ago under the Sports Council for promoting puzzle solving activities among the students, primarily the Rubik’s Cube. On March 18th last year, the club organised a mass cube solving event which set the world record for the most number of people solving the cube simultaneously – 937.

InsIghT hunted for some juicy inside stories of the event on a chat with G Sravan Kumar, founder of the Rubik’s club. “It wasn’t all easy” says Sravan. “When we started off with Guinness Record idea, the record we had to beat was 300 by NIT Trichy. But just before our event, it came to our knowledge that the record was broken in Africa, our new target was now around 700. We panicked, but we were determined to do it. We went into a hyperdrive of cube solving workshops in all the hostels and in those 10 days I worked much more than what I had worked for the past three months!” Over a thousand people turned up and finally 937 people successfully managed to solve the cube in 30 minutes – the time limit set by the organizers.

The club wasn’t spared from its share of fiascos either. A secy from H3 misplaced an SD card and the video footage for one section of the auditorium was lost. The Guinness guys were sent the footage anyway, praying that they would not notice it. And luckily, they didn’t!

Though, IIT Bombay no longer holds the record (the record was broken shortly by a group in London –, it is definitely a memorable event for IIT Bombay. Besides, who cares – We got our certificates!


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