H18: A Hostel in the Making

2 mins read

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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (210100035@iitb.ac.in), Ishita Poddar (21b030016@iitb.ac.in)

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There have been numerous developments in the institute in the past few weeks, the latest being the gradual opening up of Hostel 18 for students. There has been a lot of movement to the hostel resulting in mass displacement of hundreds of students as it also came to light recently that H7 is structurally weak, H8 has a water seepage issue through the walls and a pillar in H4 North Wing is weak under shear rendering, making these hostels unsuitable for living.

The construction and finishing work of the hostel has been sped up considerably since it was announced that Mr. Ramesh Pokhriyal, the Chief Guest of the 57th Convocation ceremony (10/08/2019) will be inaugurating the Hostel 18 and major developments are expected to take place in the near future.

The delivery of the furniture that had been ordered couldn’t be received because of flooding in many parts of Maharashtra, which resulted in the H18 administration to make-do with borrowed furniture from the emptied hostels on some floors while many students have been given unfurnished rooms for the time being. Basic amenities like cots, cupboards, laundry & dustbins are missing.

The Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Prof George Mathew, has said that the hostel is a single occupancy hostel & will remain so in the foreseeable future, even for the 3rd year students living in the hostel. While the mess is expected to be fully operational before the end of August 2019, the rest of the amenities have been assigned an expected completion time of 1 month. On completion, the Hostel will be replete with a fully modernised kitchen, a gym (only for Hostel 18 students) and a play area on the 1st floor, a general recreational area and a canteen on the ground floor as well as common areas on each floor. The mess has a capacity of about 2000 students which will also cater to an annex hostel of about 200-250 students planned to be constructed sometime in the future.

The Warden of Hostel 18, Prof Samir Maji, stressed upon the need of maintaining and utilizing the state of the art facilities responsibly. Students have been found playing cricket in the wings, using fire safety pipes to dry wet clothes and exchanging the number plates of the rooms to suit their demands. He expressed concern over the situation and said that heavy fines will be imposed on those found damaging or misusing the hostel property.

The rest of the Institute will also be seeing a few changes in the coming future. It has been confirmed that H17 will be a boys hostel. The ‘D’ wing of H8 will be incorporated into H11 while the rest of H8 will be demolished. The Messes of H3 and H11 will also see a change in the caterer. All-in-all, the map of the Institute is going to be quite different from what we are used to seeing, and let’s hope that it is for the better.

The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editors: Saman Siddiqui and Varun Sule
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in


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