GSAA PG End Term Review

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The tenure saw a number of proposals on all fronts being researched upon thoroughly. Many points have been completed in collaboration with other institute bodies.


Relating to academics, majority of the on-ground work and follow ups have been completed. The proposals have been made to the relevant functionaries and committees and are being currently considered by them. Restructuring of the compulsory courses that do not lay in the core domain of the student has materialized at the institute level and will be taken up at departments. Same can be said about completion of points promoting research and placement of PG populace of the institute. Proposals for increasing conference funding have been sent to the Board of Governor’s approval.

With the ERP still being rolled out, implementation of official online portals could not be completed. But wherever feasible, unofficial online platforms were maintained and issues raised were”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressed by the PGAC.

Representation of all the departments in the campus including SOM and IDC has been ensured with PGAC, IRSCP and ISCP together now covering all the departments. The workshop to train DCs of ISCP and IRSCP was done but little effort was involved from the GSAA PG side. The same is true for the Hindi, English training program.


Overall 25 of the 35 points have been completed which makes it 71% of the total points on the manifesto.




On the academic front, the initiative to collaborate with ISCP program for providing academic assistance for PG students did not take off. Apparently, it will require a ground up structure. A clear proposal for properly defining the role of an RA has not been arrived at. The restructuring of communication classes did not see the light of day.


On the research and industry front, the improvement of IDFR (Informal Discussion & Formal Research) did not happen as promised. No work was done for setting up an online portal for granting conference funds as promised. A centralised academic grievance portal was supposed to be launched during the tenure but it never did. A database of lab facilities and summary of published research work done by Research scholars was promised but it did not materialise.




Several points/initiatives were taken up beyond the manifesto.


  1. M.Tech. and M.Sc.-Ph.D. (M.Sc. phase) internship: Currently, summer internship opportunities are not offered to M.Tech. students through placement office. Getting permission to go for ‘self-found’ internship itself is a difficult thing to do. Members of PGAC pursued this matter at Institute and Department levels. Currently, some departments have written to the institute that they would support exploring the M.Tech. internship option. M.Sc.-Ph.D. internship policy is also being looked into.
  2. Online Course tagging for M.Tech.: Course tagging of M.Tech students have always been a hassle. PGAC proposed to make it online. It was readily agreed upon by the functionaries. ASC now allows online course tagging.
  3. Grievance”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressal Cell (GRC): The current mechanism that exists to”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress this issues between students and faculties is a long and arduous process. Hence, after studying what already exists in some Indian Universities, PGAC submitted a proposal for the formation of a cell for”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressing such issues. The proposal included the structure and the mode of operation of this apex grievance”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressal cell to”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress all issue within a short period.



Continuity needs to be maintained on the initiatives that are still in progress such as properly defining the role of an RA, detailed updating of course content on ASC and restructuring of the communication classes. Improvement in the inclusivity of student representation in DPGC is also something that needs to be worked upon. Workshops and informative sessions need to be conducted during the next tenure as well. Portals for database of lab facilities and summary of published research work done by scholars, for academic grievances, for leave applications, and for granting conference funds need to be made functional. This tenure saw an increase in collaboration of PGAC with other institute bodies, such collaboration needs to be further bolstered for better results in the future.


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