GS Academic Affairs UG Review: Ishan Shrivastava

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**Click on individual manifesto points to get a more descriptive understanding.

A point in Green signifies that the work has been done and to a great level of satisfaction. Orange signifies that some more improvement is possible with regard to the point. A point in Red implies no work has been done in view of that point. To gain a better understanding of how well a specific manifesto point was executed we tried to take into account the views of the GS and the various stakeholders involved.

Information Dissemination and Awareness

[gsreview title=”Upload and publicize ‘Academic Awareness’ videos and presentations on academic processes, opportunities and flexibilities of the curriculum” color=”orange”]Videos were created, but they turned out largely unappealing. Presentations and Academics Wiki were made as replacements to videos. A good videos, such as in EE, were handed to the respective council for its use.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Implement a user-friendly Query and Grievance Portal (with a Gmail bot and regularly updated and categorized wiki/FAQs), ensure their prompt”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressal” color=”green”]The Q&G portal was implemented and publicised, with around 200 queries being”>”>dresses.html”>”>dressed and archived at

UG Academics Wiki was created on with subject owners.

GMail Bot – A common GMail Bot was developed and launched, which included events updates, wiki search, course info and grading statistics at [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Implement a Project Portal to provide a platform for displaying faculty and student projects” color=”red”]This could not be done, as faculty response was dismal and IRCC refused to share project data with the Acad Council. However, a resources portal with similar intentions is expected to be launched this month.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Implement an Online Notice Board with categorized subscription and try for SMS reminders” color=”orange”]The Gymkhana website has been revamped to serve as an online notice board. The website is still being modified so as to make it more visually appealing.
It was envisioned that the SMS updates would be sent through the ASC online registry which can bypass DND. However, ASC refused to agree to such SMS reminders due to the costs involved[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Conduct department academic orientations and lab visits towards the end of first year” color=”green”]Dept. Academic Orientation was conducted in the month of April last year for last year’s freshmen. This year, as planned, it should be conducted by the incoming GSAA (UG)

Lab Visits will be conducted from this weekend onwards as planned by the council[/gsreview]

Academic Processes and Systems

[gsreview title=”Update course information on ASC and provide students with feedback on electives” color=”orange”]Updating Course Information was tried through HoDs, instructors, etc during summer vacations but was not be achieved. Currently, it is being updated by an Academic Office staff member.
Feedback on electives was provided through Course Rank[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Provide Time Table Coordinators with student preferences to reduce slot clashes” color=”orange”]Student preferences were provided to the TTCs in the Autumn Semester, however it was not used by the TTCs and hence was not provided for the Spring Semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Provide faculty advisors with guidelines on overridable errors” color=”green”]Such a guideline compilation was provided to the Faculty Advisors.

A Faculty Advisors Handbook was prepared during summers. However, the Dean AP did not allow its circulation on the grounds that the UG Rule Book has to be first updated, which is a long process and should be completed by the start of next semester.
[gsreview title=”Propose to implement an Online Application System (integrated with Moodle and GPO)” color=”orange”]Proposal was submitted to Dean AP. However, it was rejected on the grounds that students could hack into the system and he would prefer if students took approval in person for the discussion which could ensue.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Try to facilitate effective selection of TAs in depts. based on course grades and preference” color=”orange”]Data was provided to TA Coordinators in the Autumn semester. However, this was not used by the TA Coordinators due to clashing requests by the instructors. Hence, it was not done for the Spring semester.[/gsreview]

UG Research and Academic Opportunities

[gsreview title=”Coordinate with all Dept. G.Secs. to float summer projects for first and second year students” color=”green”]Institute Summer Project Allocation (ISPA) was launched through which 112 students secured projects.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Establish the Society for Promotion of Undergraduate Research to maintain the Project Portal, assist students to find faculty and student mentors, spread awareness and showcase projects” color=”green”]SPUR was established. An extensive project portal was maintained and over 100 students secured projects. A UG Research Symposium featuring posters of the research work undertaken was conducted. SciTech Majlis was conducted through SPUR for talks on Science by students.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose the IIT Bombay Summer School for short courses from IDC, HSS, SOM and IEOR” color=”green”]The IIT Bombay summer school was conducted in the summer vacations with 10 courses.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Encourage student teams (FS, BAJA, UMIC, etc.) to offer Research Projects on their machines” color=”green”]The student teams had summer projects/internship programmes, which was initiated by them. Interns were recruited by the teams.[/gsreview]

Career Cell

[gsreview title=”Continue an optional Professional Development Programme from third year onwards for Spoken English, Group Discussions, Personal Interviews and Professional Conduct” color=”red”]A continuous and effective programme was not conceptualized. Efforts were put in to rope in T.I.M.E. to organize such sessions but the Institute Debating Secretary had already taken the initiative in the same time window.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Coordinate with Placement Team and SARC to organize and record informative sessions on core and non-core jobs/internships, startups, further studies, IAS and IES” color=”green”]Numerous sessions were organized covering a wide spectrum.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Compile App Database enlisting the selects, rejects, scores, projects and internships of students” color=”green”]The database was compiled (with 27 responses) and publicized.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Conduct dept. wise App Fundae sessions and video conference with alumni in universities” color=”green”]While the passing out students had given fundae through department wise sessions, the Apping Weekend was organized by Career Cell, which had video conferences with alumni studying in universities abroad.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Facilitate setting up of Innovation Lab with sufficient space, facilities including machinery, dedicated trainers and resources, to support student projects and technical activities” color=”orange”]A meeting was organized with the Director, Dean R&D, and Dean SA to initiate the proposal for the lab. The Director had approved in principle. A proposal was submitted to Dean R&D to look further into this. Fortunately, SINE has funded machines to the institute in coordination with UMIC and a batch of alumni have also proposed a Tinkerer’s Lab. The only issue is of space as of now, which is being looked into.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose shifting of current Tech Room in SAC to one with much more work space than present” color=”orange”]A proposal was made and was accepted to shift the Tech Room to the long room in the middle of SAC used as Hospitality and Accommodation room during Mood Indigo. There was leakage during monsoons and grouting by professionals did not help, hence this could not be achieved.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose installation of A/C and Wi-Fi in the Study Room” color=”orange”]Proposal was rejected by Dean IPS and Librarian on the grounds that the room is going to be demolished soon. A new floor is being added to the Lbrary to serve as a 24×7 studying space[/gsreview]

UG Curriculum and Policy Reforms:

[gsreview title=”Propose the introduction of English Foundation Course for first year students” color=”orange”]The course was not proposed in the Senate due to inability to find a faculty member willing to instruct the course. An alternative solution was proposed to call private institutes to take classes in the campus. Deputy Director insisted that only a reputed institute like British Council should be called. British Council delayed the proposal submission, which has been approved and a pilot project will start as soon as they are ready (pilot project is required since it is turning out to be very expensive for the institute)[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose special minor allotment scheme for some seats based on performance in relevant courses (e.g. previous minor course, CS 101, EE 101, HS 101)” color=”orange”]It was rejected on the grounds that the institute wants the minor programme to be something that a student aspires for and hence works on his core CPI. It was also felt by faculty members that students who show genuine interest are considered by professors.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose uniform allocation of TA allowance” color=”orange”]The Deputy Director AIA informed that students above 8 are considered to be GATE cleared by MHRD and are given 8000 p.m. by the Ministry, whereas students below 8 have to give GATE but the institute itself gives 6000 p.m. (or below in case of backlogs) from institute funds.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to extend the duration of mid-semester exam timetable” color=”orange”]Proposal was rejected on the grounds that it would strain the Academic and Department offices.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose Minor option for DD students in 5th year subject to approval by guide” color=”green”]The same has been proposed and approved. Students have already taken minor courses owing to this facility.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose the selection of DD specialization after 2nd year (for EE, ME and MM DDs)” color=”orange”]This fell out of the jurisdiction of the GSAA and it was up to the Department-level committees to look into it.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Follow up on the curriculum reviews conducted in departments; conduct a Curriculum Review with Industry and Universities in collaboration with Placement Cell and SARC” color=”green”]Curriculum Reviews in Departments – Follow up was done with Dept. G.Secs. and DAMP Coordinators for further action on the proposals.

Curriculum Review with Industry – The process has been initiated. The next GSAA (UG) will see to its completion in collaboration with Placement Cell.
Curriculum Review with FAN (Faculty Alumni Network) – Completed in collaboration with SARC.[/gsreview]

Technical Activities

[gsreview title=”Organize Student Projects Exhibition for increasing awareness among faculty and students” color=”green”]Institute Technical Exhibition was organized in the Autumn Semester and The Tech Weekend and display of Technovation Projects was organized in Spring Semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to establish funding channels for student projects with IRCC and Alumni Association and utilize the SINE funding channel (Techno-entrepreneurship Programme)” color=”green”]IRCC – Rangan Banerjee Committee is being formed following a meeting with Director and Dean R&D; Alumni Association – Alumni Association refused to grant explicit funds to a genre but only projects. However, an attempt was made in SARC Phonathons to get funding

Rs 1.5 lakh is being given to 3 student teams each through SAC Development Funds (for the first time)[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Coordinate with other IIT technical student bodies to conceptualize the Inter IIT Tech Summit” color=”green”]Co-ordination with other IITs to conceptualize the Summit was done, but it could not be organized in IIT B because the Dean did not want to put in resources this year. IIT Kanpur is organizing it and will be conducted this week.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Try to ensure cash advance is provided to student technical teams for major expenses” color=”orange”]For major amounts less than 20,000 advance process was utilized by STAB but for larger amounts, the process was more cumbersome and hence it was avoided by the managers.[/gsreview]

UG First Year

[gsreview title=”Ensure timely SMS updates regarding scholarship deadlines, help sessions, etc.” color=”orange”]The proposal has been accepted for only those cases where it is desperately needed, i.e. for informing students about summer courses, minor registration, etc. (for information dissemination during vacation time). The numbers of students/student’s parents will be collected by the end of this month and updates will be sent from May onwards.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Ensure that IPE (Intensive Programme for Entrants) is well defined and properly conducted” color=”green”]Ensured up to the start of the programmes. ISMP Coordinators had taken full responsibility after that and ensured that it was properly conducted.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Try to provide tutorial solutions to first year students, improve the UG TA selection procedure” color=”red”]Tutorial solutions were provided in April 2012 to first year students. It was opposed by faculty members on the grounds that only the TA after taking permission should upload solutions.[/gsreview]

2 Year M.Sc.

[gsreview title=”Nominate 2 M.Sc. representatives in the UG Academic Council” color=”orange”]The call was twice floated on Student Notices and mailed on all department mailing groups to no avail. For M.Sc. related issues, few CRs and DPCs were points of contact.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose HS 699 (Communication Course) as an elective for first year students” color=”red”]The council considred the course useless and felt the point should not have been on the manifesto in the first place.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Coordinate with GSAA (PG) to ensure that SCP supports M.Sc’.s” color=”green”]M.Sc. + PhD companions were selected by the SCP team.[/gsreview]

Library and Common Resources

[gsreview title=”Propose extension of library closing time to 2 a.m. during weekdays and exams” color=”orange”]Rejected; There was a lack of library staff available and demand from students.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose procurement of e-books of all faculty prescribed books; provide e-commerce websites with the list for them to sell these books at discounted prices” color=”orange”]The list of e-books to be procured was submitted to the Librarian. The Library has been able to procure 30 e-book licenses till date and 30 more are in pipeline.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Upload exam papers on prof’s approval and useful course resources” color=”red”]Exam papers could not be uploaded since most of the professors were not willing to approve and also due to lack of proper response from CRs and thus bad coordination.

Useful resources portal will be launched by the end of this week.[/gsreview]

Addendum 17th March, 2013: The many initiatives taken by the GSAA(UG) 2012-13 outside those outlined in the manifesto can be found below:

[gsreview title=”Lan Ban Reduction(with GSHA and GSAA(PG))” color=”black”]Reduced lan ban duration from 12 – 7:30 to 1:30 – 5 in collaboration with GSHA and GSAA (PG). Proposal for 24 x 7 academic websites was rejected by Head, CC because he believed the implementation would be complex and he did want to deal with the complexity.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Council Structure Revamped” color=”black”]The council structure was reformed so as to be able to achieve the expanded scope of work in an efficient manner. The 3 ISAAs were assigned the roles of SPUR Head, Career Cell Head and Infra & Policy Head. The Student Advisory Body was dissolved and an Academic Executive Body was established with department representatives from second and third year. A Web, IT and Publicity team was formed with 1 Manager and 4 Coordinators. In the Spring Semester, the structure of Academic Executive Body was changed so as to assign coordinators under SPUR, Career Cell and Infra & Policy.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”100% increase in Summer Courses” color=”black”]A student survey was floated to find out the courses which students wanted to take up in summers. Professors of different departments were persuaded in coordination with DGSecs and DAMP Coordinators to offer these summer courses, which resulted in an increase of courses from 18 in the previous year to 36 in this tenure. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Established UG Research Symposium (Opportunity, Recognition, Awareness)” color=”black”]Poster Presentations of projects of students across all departments was organized at the institute-level for the first time. 80 students (over 45 teams) participated in the Symposium. Viewers numbered over 400. Many professors also came to the event. The event was judged by senior PhD students and 3 teams were awarded for the quality of their posters and presentation. A poster making workshop was also organized to help out students. It was conducted by Harsh Maheshwari (4 th year MEMS) and was attended by 25 participants. 3 faculty lectures were also organized to enthuse students.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”English Classes” color=”black”]Two batches of English Classes were initiated – Basic and Advance, which were conducted by Speakwell English Academy. 10 students were enrolled in the basic batch and 30 students in the advance batch.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Ethics Committee” color=”black”]Conducted a survey for the ethics committee and presented the results to the committee, submitted proposals to curb plagiarism and academic malpractice that were accepted and forwarded to the Director, and organized an open session with members of the Ethics Committee.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”MB Study Rooms” color=”black”]During mid-semester and end-semester examinations, 4 MB rooms were allowed to be opened from 10 pm to 7 am by issuing the keys on a valid ID Card. The initiative has been extended to all days. 4 MB Rooms will be available to students for studying purposes from 11 pm to 7 am everyday. We are waiting for the Wi-Fi routers to be installed for internet, following which the facility will be launched.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”New Xerox and Print facility” color=”black”]A Xerox facility was started in the Cooperative Store near the library in April 2012. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Professional Student Counselling” color=”black”]a) Workshops were conducted by a professional from the Institute for Psychological Health for freshmen to discuss the need for counselling and to dispel the belief of taboo associated with counselling.

b) Proposal for a new counsellor at a different location has been accepted. A new counsellor will be appointed who will be available from 4 pm to 9 pm in the evenings in the Staff Hostel next to H-11. All the applicants were rejected after the selection process. Efforts are ongoing to appoint a counsellor[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Library Fine Reform” color=”black”] Proposed a reform in the library fine to Rs 5 for the first 15 days and Rs 25 for the subsequent days so that more books are returned on time, which has been implemented.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Installation of Spike guards and more electrical points in Library” color=”black”]More electrical points are being installed in the library. Spike guards will soon be available for students to issue.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”BookBay – Platform for buying/selling used books” color=”black”]An online portal for buying/selling of used books was developed and implemented.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”ARP Online Integration” color=”black”]Currently, ARP students do not have any online record of their grades or access to course resources. ASC has started work on online developments required for ARP students[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Tutorial Session Request Scheme” color=”black”]Online tutorial request interface is going to be launched this week along with the course resources aggregated from previous year’s Moodle.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Inter-IIT Gymkhana Summit” color=”black”]Inter-IIT Gymkhana Summit, a forum for Gymkhana post holders of all IITs to interact, was organized in IIT Bombay this year.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Shodh – Interdisciplinary Research Weekend (Awareness)” color=”black”]6 talks were organized in which Professors from various Interdisciplinary Programs and Centers (CSRE, CRNTS, CESE, IEOR, Education Technology, CSE+ Biology) gave an overview of research along with opportunities for UG students in their departments. They were attended by average of 15 students per talk.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Institute Technical Winter School (Opportunity)” color=”black”]Workshops and hands-on sessions for Department – specific software were organized.
MATLAB: 50 participants
STAADpro: 25 participants
1-day long workshop on Taguchi Methods by Prof. Prakash Apte, EE Department: 25 participants
COMSOL: 40 participants
FLUENT: 30 participants[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”URA Ceremony (Recognition)” color=”black”]Initiative for distribution of Certificate of Recognition to URA recipients during the Annual Gymkhana Awards Ceremony 2012 was taken.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Scitech Majlis was launched for promoting learning of Science & Technology through peer discussions.” color=”black”]“Black holes: Cold or Hot”: Arpan Saha (Physics): 40 students
“All about research”: Vaibhav D. Sambre (Chemistry): 80 students
“Solar Energy 101”: Aakash Jhaveri (Energy): 20 students
“Automotive Engineering: Recent Advancements”: Saurav Talukdar (Mechanical): 25 students
“Hydrocarbon sector: a primer”: Priyanka DeSouza (Energy): 25 students[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Professor Sessions” color=”black”]“Science and Technology: Development, Culture and Politics”: Prof. Milind Sohoni (CTARA): 100 students
“Why should you do research?”: Prof. R.B. Sunoj (Chemistry): 100 students
“From UG to a Professor”: An interactive session with Prof. V.M. Gadre (Electrical): 120 students
“The Probabilistic Method”: Prof. Niranjan Balachandran (Math): 120 students
Treelabs orientation: Prof. Dipankar (Treelabs): 25 students
An interactive session with Dean AP and Dean SA + ISPA and Symposium Certificate Distribution: 80
[gsreview title=”SPUR Blog” color=”black”]URA stories: Articles by URA winners (Recognition, Awareness)
Research stories: Articles on cutting edge research (Awareness)
5 articles have been posted on the blog so far. Blog has aggregate 4527 hits so far.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Placement + App Fundae sessions dept wise – April 2012″ colour=”black”]With the help of the DGSecs, placement + apping fundae sessions by were conducted by graduating seniors last year. The sessions gave a general idea of different job opportunities, deciding factors and preparation fundae[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Core Engineering Weekend – October 2012″ color=”black”]Career Cell in collaboration with SARC, organized the ‘Core Weekend’ – a series of 7 department wise sessions where the students get to interact with successful alumni who have taken up core-engineering jobs and have excelled in their fields. Each session was attended by 50+ students & each session answered questions like – Is B.Tech Sufficient to get a good career in core-engineering?, Msc & Ph.D – relevance to the engineering industry, Opportunities in India Vs. Opportunities abroad, CPI – how big a criterion , Internships – how do they help ?, What do companies look for in a student aspiring for Core Engineering Jobs?, Possibility of switches, Importance of 1st Job[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Civil Services Workshop – October 2012″ color=”black”]A 3 – Day workshop on – UPSC/IAS/ Civil Services Examination, Pattern, Syllabus, How to Prepare – was organised and attended by around 250 students . In these 3 days the students were exposed to subjects of UPSC like Geography, History, Political science, General knowledge sessions and it ended with an Aptitude test.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Finance Winter BootCamp 2012 – December 2012 ” color=”black”]The Finance BootCamp – an accelerated program which covered sectors in Finance like Private Equity (PE), Venture Capital (VC), Investment Banking (IB), Micro-Finance (MF) among others. A total of 58 students enrolled for the 15 day bootcamp which was held with the help of our alumnus in Deustche bank.
The BootCamp focused on 2 major parts –
1. Keeping in mind the beginners in Finance, the basics of PE, VC, IB, MF etc will be covered through real life case-studies and lectures.
2. A parallel focus of the BootCamp is to provide participants a ring-side view of the inner workings of the different segments in Finance.
To achieve this, Company-Treks have been organized where participants will get to visit offices and directly interact with MDs, CEOs and other senior professionals. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”IAS Classes – February 2013″ color=”black”]These classes are being taken by an non-profit organisation comprising of govt.officials themselves at a highly discounted rate(40% of actual rate).
Around 300 people (in 2013 , 2014 batch) are benefiting out of this service.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Android Winter Bootcamp 2012 – December 2012″ color=”black”]It was organised in collaboration with WnCC & Google Developers group.
In this bootcamp – around 15 teams of 4-5 people each participated to realise their idea into an Android App. This bootcamp gave them the opportunity
1. to come up with an idea for an Android App, evaluate the idea and convert it into a better one.
2. to build the app with the help of experienced App developers
3. get an innovators’ & developers’ perspective on Android platform.
4. work intensively and effectively on App development[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Inter IIT Tech” color=”black”]Initiated first ever Inter IIT Tech meet which is going to be held in IIT Kanpur on 15th to 17th March. 2 teams from IITB are going to participate in it. 9 IITs are participating in this event[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Inter IIT Messier Marathon” color=”black”] Initiated and conducted by Krittika, IITB at GMRT Pune. IITB won in this competition. 5 IITs participated in this Inter IIT meet[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Tech ID and Roboshop” color=”black”] Established a unified Tech-ID interface to streamline event registration, maintain a comprehensive student database and to serve as e-commerce portal for technical components. Login by Ldap id
Roboshop- A user friendly interface is developed on the website where students can sell their items (motors, wheels, Arduino) and needy students can buy them from respective person. This has been integrated with tech-id
[gsreview title=”Institute Technical Summer Project (ITSP)” color=”black”]STAB initiated ITSP in summers which saw involvement of over 300 students. Over 100 projects were started out of which 72 projects were completed in summers. These projects are well documented on the wiki page.Projects were fully funded and awards were given to some exceptional projects[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Electronic Notice Boards (in the Pipeline)” color=”orange”]Developed Digital notice boards which will be installed in hostels so as to reduce the amount of money spent by all bodies on publicity. This is in testing phase is likely to be installed by end of March[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Technical Mentorship” color=”black”] Made a 2- tier mentorship programs for 1st year students to help them with competitions and projects throughout the year. Good mentors were felicitated in STAB award ceremony
[gsreview title=”Initiatives for PG participation” color=”black”]Conducted orientation hostel-wise to ensure PG participation in various freshmen competition and also in GCs. Appointed a PG Nominee of STAB and selected a PG coordinator under each club to ensure greater PG participation[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Infrastructure Procurement” color=”black”]Krittika: 8″ Orion Dobsonian Telescope; 1.25″ Orion Eyepieces set
Web and Coding Club: Hosting Space at WebFaction installing servers
Aeromodelling: 2 RC remotes and Flying software package to promote flying in Institute
Robotics and Electronics club: Equipment/machines helpful in manufacturing as well as circuits/boards/sensors that are needed for day-to-day projects. These are issued by club managers for testing purposes[/gsreview]


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