General Body Meeting, Phase I – GSAA-UG and GSSA

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Phase I, which did not have mandatory attendees from all hostels was poorly attended. The session was chaired by GSAA-PG VSK Murthy Balijepalli.

Manas Rachh: General Secretary, Academic Affairs

Points raised:

Q. What is the current status on the opening of the PT cell for 4th year DDs as they are generally not preferred by companies, by virtue of not being ‘pre-final year’ students?

Status: The UGPC rejected the proposal to reduce or alter the DDP structure so that DDs would not be required to work on their project during the summers. Had this proposal been passed, the PT cell would probably have opened certain IAFs for 4thie DDs. But, Manas does not forsee the DDP structure changing in the near future as the UGPC seemed adamant on their stance.

Q. 3 Btech students from a particular Dept. and many others in general are facing extension due to a single FR and that course is not being run this semester as the HOD has refused to, even after repeated requests. What has been done about this?

Status: The Director has already spoken to all the HODs and urged them to run all courses required to minimise the number of extension students. It is unfortunate that even after this, HODs have not complied. Manas also added that he plans to make a list of all students with FRs facing possible extension and make sure that the courses required to prevent extension are run on a priority basis.

Q. A lot of initiatives regarding registration, course content improvement, etc have not been implemented, including the Student Advisory Board. Why?

Status: The SAB received a very poor response, students had to be nominated by DGsecs. Only in 4 departments did the members of the SAB actually carry out good work, in most departments they did not. The certificates of these people will be withheld. Also the member for the next SAB will be chosen after interviews with the Dean, Academic Affairs.

Q. FRs were not removed from transcripts.

Status: This issue was brought to Manas’ notice. He tried to get it corrected ASAP. New and corrected transcripts are to be released by the Academic Office within 15 days.

Q. Why can’t people do double minors?
Status: Infrastructural and faculty constraints do not currently permit this.

Manas plans to release a student handbook, a faculty handbook, and also revamp the Academic Website.

Vijit Jalan: General Secretary, Sports Affairs

Nothing of note happened in this GBM as no one turned up for his GBM at all.

– Archit Kejriwal


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