Election Results 2012

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The resuts of the IITB Gymkhana Elections 2012 are as follows:

Total No. of Votes Casted = 5346

General Secretary Academic Affairs (PG) – Bandana Singha
Yes: 1451
No: 88
Neutral: 478
General Secretary Academic Affairs (UG) – Ishan Srivastava
Ishan Srivastava: 1672
Sarjan Satra: 1190
Neutral: 457

General Secretary Cultural Affairs – Poorna Chandra
Koustoobh Pandey: 642
Poorna Chandra: 2122
Uttam Sikaria: 2112
Neutral: 467
General Secretary Hostel Affairs – Chandra Mouli
Chandra Mouli: 1983
Mayank Mundhra: 726
Nayan Jha: 1118
Rishabh Agarwal: 1075
Neutral: 444

General Secretary Sports Affairs – Rajesh Ghusinga
Rajesh Ghusinga: 2414
Somay Munde: 2079
Neutral: 653

Institute Debating Secretary – Achita Jacob
Achita Jacob: 2621
Suman Rao: 1713
Neutral: 1012

Institute Film and Media Secretary – Devendra Chaplot
Abhiram Manjunath: 865
Abhishek Yadav: 1559
Devendra Chaplot: 1688
Neutral: 1234


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