The Robin Hood Army

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“Simple, really. Beat global hunger and bring out the best in humanity using food as a medium.” 

This is the vision of the Robin Hood Army, a multinational volunteer-driven zero-funds organisation which aims to provide surplus food from restaurants and community to the less fortunate, who do not have enough of it. 

Sounds far from simple, doesn’t it? But today, as we publish this article, the RHA enters the final lap of Mission 30M, the largest singular effort against hunger during COVID-19. In these dire times, when both food and hope are in short supply for many, this mission assumes tremendous significance.

As the name suggests, it aims to serve 30 million impoverished people across 10 countries with staple food kits, all in a brief span of 45 days from the 1st of July to the 16th of August. At first glance this looks like wishful thinking, an insurmountable challenge. But the volunteers of this organisation, or the Robins, as they are christened, have come together with astonishing tenacity to reach over 12 million people so far! 

How did they accomplish this? 

“Simple, really.” The organisation has a very well segmented hierarchy. Each city that the RHA operates in is a chapter of the organisation, headed by coordinators appointed to oversee the smooth execution of the mission. The drives and distributions are carried out by the Robins, the heart of the mission, who have poured out in droves from the safety of their homes, braving the pandemic to make Mission 30M a success, one food kit at a time. Partnerships with major brands such as Nestle, KCorp and Clovia have also bolstered the efforts of the RHA in this mission.

“At this time, the need of the hour is ensuring we make people feel that they are not alone in this battle and that the Robin Hood Army is standing with them to support them. We have even reached out to the interior tribal areas of the city which had been forsaken till now.” said Faiza Dhanani, Coordinator of the Mumbai chapter. 

How can you help?

If you wish to contribute, you can volunteer your time by enrolling with them through their website, following which you will be connected with your local chapter via email. You can also contribute food kits directly. One food kit includes staples such as rice, atta and spices, the details will be conveyed to you by your local chapter after you sign up. You can also make a difference by simply spreading the word, it will help the RHA reach even more people and make a greater impact.

For further information you can reach Faiza Dhanani at 9820668929 or email the RHA’s Mumbai chapter at 

Insight applauds the efforts of the RHA and hopes that Mission 30M is a rousing success, the first of many such efforts to end world hunger, one food kit at a time. 

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Chief Editors: Amogh Gawaskar and Suman Mondal

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