Survey: Why don’t we study at IIT-B?

November 2, 2012
1 min read
Why is it that most students don’t study at IIT-B? We did come up with a few reasons but we need to know more to establish whether they actually affect the students’ academics significantly. Based

Survey: TumTum User

October 30, 2012
1 min read
Insti wants me to do academics. But classes are so far away! The only way to get there, apart from trekking, is to use the Tum Tums. But are our Tum Tums really that useful?

Survey: Social Life at IIT

October 27, 2012
1 min read
I swear it by the old gods and the new, by R’hllor the lord of light and the drowned gods that I shall fill this survey with utmost honesty. It’s completely anonymous. You are not

LAN Ban Cuts – The Why and How

October 14, 2012
1 min read
Still grinning about the recent LAN Ban cuts? Wondering how the institute suddenly decided to give in to student wishes? InsIghT brings you the inside scoop of the proceedings of the LAN Ban Committee meeting.
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