Midterm Review: GSHA

1 min read

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Chief Editors: Saman Siddiqui and Varun Sule
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As the semester draws to a close, we take a close look at Arbaj’s performance as the General Secretary of Hostel Affairs. So far, he has completed 6 of the 38 points on his manifesto while progress has been made on another 24 of them.

The GSHA has successfully been able to introduce an Institute-Wide Sustainability Pitch Competition in which the feasible projects will be helped by the HA council to perform Proof of Concept on campus and hence implement it. Other completed points have been – to take a follow up on different ongoing issues like Implementation of the final version of Course exchange Mapper, Inclusion of female officers in the Quick Response Team (QRT), among other things. 

A proposal has also been introduced for an institute-wide speed monitoring system for auto-rickshaws to ensure strict obedience to speed limit norms for the safety of cycle users and pedestrians. 

More than 60% of the points in the manifesto are currently in progress at different levels of completion. 6 out of 7 mentioned points under Institute Facilities are in progress including a student exclusive IRCTC Office for Tatkal Booking, Order-cum-Delivery portal in InstiApp for Institute Eateries, localized mini boosters for improved cellular network. 

Other tasks in progress include reviving the HATS program, follow-up on student lounge in LHC, in-house availability of special medicines related to periods & ramps, new security information portal with a lost ‘n’ found report facility, etc.

Some of the projects (about 15%) have not yet been started like the proposal for the establishment of a new cycle repair shop near hostel 12/13/14, Introduction of “Hostel Affairs” Facebook page, a Digitized system for mess extras and rebate system, Push for the availability of Specialist Doctors after-academic hours of students in IITB Hospital and explore the possibility of ‘Appointment through InstiApp’ for the same, etc.

2 of the points were realized to be infeasible in his tenure namely, Revamp of instead to support GPS location tracking for better direction suggestions, and the possibility of establishing a Premium Unisex Salon to cater to all tiers of students.

Although it is understandable than administration protocols are time-consuming, more focus should now be given on the execution and completion of projects which have already been started. We hope that the GSHA, along with his council, take the requisite steps to ensure that the initiatives in the manifesto are successfully completed.

GS Meter: http://gsmetre.insightiitb.org/hostel-affairs


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Endterm Review: GSTA

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Endterm Review: GSCA

Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without