Mid Term Review : STAB Overall Co-ordinator, 2016-17

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Chief Editors: Shreerang Javadekar, Shreeyesh Menon
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Insight GS-Metres have facilitated regular checks on the work carried out by the elected General Secretaries (GSes). Here we review the term of Atish Aloor, GS Tech.

Mid-term review:

A large portion of Tech@IITB is the smooth functioning and constant improvement of existing hobby clubs and hostel tech activities. The attempt to bring Hostel Tech councils and clubs closer together was made by giving Hostel tech Secy’s the choice to become de-facto conveners of STAB clubs of their choice with Aeromodelling Club and Krittika gaining conveners from this additional route. Almost all sessions and events conducted by the Clubs have been well documented and are accessible to everyone from the STAB website. Regular talks, discussions and meetings have been convened to encourage the formation of a focused group of tech enthusiasts. A new BioTech club has been up and running along with the other existing clubs.
Projects and RnD constitute a large proportion of tech activities in insti. STAB has managed to source a few projects from TATA with a group of 5 TATA extremely experienced employees mentoring a bunch of 12 students on a regular basis. Work on an Online Knowledge Sharing Platform has also begun with the webiste to be released soon. The existing Tinkerer’s lab is will also see positive changes with work ongoing on an expansion programme, installation of bean bags and an online database listing all existing resources and equipment in TL.

Broken points:

As such no particular point has been broken but work on a few has been either slow or has been not started. There have been no significant efforts to bring more PGs into the fold with the participation being low as always. Work on ‘Blah@TL’ (a platform for enthusiasts to share their knowledge about any topic of interest) and ‘Lightsaber’, the proposed tech newsletter has not begun so far.

Initiatives beyond the manifesto:

Like other GSes, Atish too has tried to work progressively on points of relevance to Tech@IITB ouside his manifesto:
Running 2 projects for the institute infrastructure: TTT, a laser based system for security of the H5 to H9 line
Funding a team participating in Robowars, Techfest (since this is a high budget event)
Hosting the WiDS (Women in Data Science) conference next semester
Maths n Physics Club’s “Summer of Science” Reading group
Web n Coding Club’s “Seasons of Code” http://www.wncc-iitb.org/soc/

GS Speaks:

“It’s been a pretty active tenure so far especially with almost every club having an event a week. We chalked out a long term plan out action for Tinkerers’ Lab. The GSTech proposal has been approved. On the down side, projects have been a little slow this tenure. Next semester we have a couple of big events coming up, the Tech and RnD exposition and the WiDS conference. Additionally, the Tinkerers’ Lab expansion should be complete by the start of next semester giving more space and resources for the inventors in the institute.”


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Mid Term Review : General Secretary, Academic Affairs (UG) 2016-17

Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without