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With Rupesh Raj’s tenure as General Secretary for Cultural Affairs coming to an end, here is a brief review of his performance over the year. The outgoing GSCA managed to complete 24 out of the 40 manifesto points while broke 7 points. The remaining 9 points have been completed to varying degrees.
Four of five manifesto points geared towards increasing diversity of participants as well as genres were successfully completed. One of these initiatives was to Introduce new GCs for Street Play and English Poetry and conduct workshops for the same. The only unfulfilled point remains the publishing of Spandhan, a book of stories, poems and articles in Indian languages. The book is currently being edited and will soon be sent for publishing.
The promised professional workshops prior to the Inter-IIT Cultural Meet were not conducted. As regards the branding of the competition, the GSCA could not see through the adoption of a social initiative. The process of securing official approval for the Inter-IIT Cultural Meet is currently underway. Five of six manifesto points specifically targetted towards postgraduates and first-year students were executed successfully.
When it came to infrastructural development, three of four points remain in progress. Administrative approval is yet to arrive for the upgrade of sound and light systems in the Convocation Hall. The Theatre and Film Rooms have been partially revamped, but work remains to be done on the lights therein. Of the list of planned purchases, some, such as cameras, have not yet been procured. No progress was achieved with regards to the SAC Library.
Three of four points concerning Publicity and Outreach were completed. The GSCA did propose to make IIT BBC an independent body, however, the proposal was rejected in the SAC meeting. Four of seven points related to online ventures were effected successfully. Given the existing large digital footprint of the Institute Cultural Council, it was decided to ditch the development of a new browser extension. The proposed Rukhsat album is under development and is on track to be completed before the end-semester examinations.
Two other marquee initiatives that were discarded are the Cult Yatra, wherein club members would get a chance to travel to related shows and exhibitions in Mumbai, and CulMag, a magazine displaying selected artworks, photographs, writings of the students. The proposal for the initiation of NCO has been submitted to the concerned authorities and should mostly be approved by the end of this academic year. Under the initiative of Cult Open, events planned for the genres of solo singing and duet dance were not held. As per the GSCA, the move to install TV screens remains pending due to issues on the part of the Hostel Affairs Council.
Find here the GS Metre page for for Cultural Affairs.
0The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editor: Aparajeya Dash
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in