9tanki 2.0

1 min read

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9tanki is a 2 day-long fest conducted in Hostel 9, consisting of 9 events from a variety of competitive genres ranging from the field of sports and to the podium of cultural.

After the huge success of 9tanki 1.0 last year we are enthusiastic and thrilled about reiterating it with more fun, frolic and entertainment.



This extravaganza which is Hostel 9’s mosaic for confluence and a period of delight for the stressed mind after Mid Semester Examination will be organized on 24th and 25th of September. 9tanki aims not only to bring out unexplored, talented sophomores and PG’s but also the ones who have, in some corner of their heart, an enthusiasm to jump out of their rooms to be part of some amusement.  Events have been planned to emphasize social intimacy and inmate amiability; opportunities for everyone to participate in high spirits have been provided.

Planning to make this fest a success has been going on for more than a month. For publicity, flexes have been put up at various places to notify people about the upcoming festivities. Beautifully designed posters for each event have attracted many and gained good response. Entire budgeting of materials required, incentives provided, etc.. has been done by the hostel council. Adequate planning has been done keeping in mind the hostel spirit and enthusiasm.

Such a celebratory rendezvous impregnates joy and enthusiasm among inmates. Word and Lit Games, FA events like Screw the Face that summons dormant innovation, Bonfire- a  live rendition in the midst of moonlight, warmth of flame wrapped with the melodies of music by our stud inmate guitarist – vocalist combos; these are just some glimpses of the fun we are going to cherish. This conceals ample reason to leave no one unaffected by the charm of 9tanki. With the frenzy of excitement we all await it. It’s going to be legendary. 

Signing off,
Hostel 9
P.S: Chalo 9tanki machate hain !                                                               


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