Students present research and technical projects at IIT Bombay’s Tech and R&D Expo

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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (, Ishita Poddar (

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A Tech and Research Symposium was organized at IIT Bombay this weekend (11th and 12th October, 2014) to provide a platform for numerous students to showcase their technical projects and research work done predominantly during the summer. The event was co-organized by the Academic Council and STAB (Student Technical Activities Body) and witnessed involvement from all technical bodies and research platforms present in the institute.

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Chief Editors: Anshul Avasthi, Chirag Chadha

ITSP projects steal the show
[pullquote]A talk by Google Developers on Android Wearables was organized as part of the Expo[/pullquote]
The major attractions of the event were the 25 best dream projects completed during the summer of 2014 by the freshmen batch of 2013-14 as part of – Institute Technical Summer Projects.“The project ideas this year were narrowed down to whether they had social and industrial value. We wanted students to take their ideas even further after ITSP and develop them into products that can solve practical real life issues.” said Rahul Prajapat, Overall Coordinator for STAB. Many of these projects like ‘Walking Stick for the Blind’ and ‘A Book Reader for Blind people’ were praised by the visiting alumni and professors who even played judges to these projects for further evaluation.

Prof. Deepankar of Electrical Engineering Department also gave a motivational talk to the participants on how these small projects could be converted into world-class products in the future. A low-cost welding machine developed by Tree-Labs was also demonstrated as part of this talk. A talk by Google Developers on Wearable Android products which was attended by students from not only IIT but many other colleges was also organized as part of the Expo.

Technovation Projects and Institute Technical Bodies

Many long term projects completed and developed under the Technovation program at reasonable cost for industrial applications were also exhibited during the event. CNC machinery developed by MV Deepak, 4th Year Mechanical student and a multi instrument sound playing Guitar developed by Deepak Malani and Amal Dev, students from the Electrical Engineering Department, for an international musician stood out amongst the many other projects kept on display in the exhibition.

Various technical teams of IIT Bombay including IITB Racing, Mars Rover and Autonomous Underwater Vehicle who have represented the institute at international platforms were present to demonstrate their work in front of the visitors.


Research Symposium

The Research Symposium played host to the on-going research by the students of IITB. Majority of this research work was done by the students as a part of their summer research interns or in-semester projects under the purview of professors from IIT Bombay and other reputed institutes.
[pullquote]”The motivation behind organizing such an exhibition was to promote research amongst the students and to give them an idea of the ongoing research work which students generally tend to be unaware of.”[/pullquote]
The projects reflected the multi-disciplinary research currently going on in the departments of Metallurgy, Physics, Biosciences, etc. at IITB. Manasvita Vashisth, the current Institute Secretary for Academic Affairs said that the motivation behind organizing such an exhibition was to promote research amongst the students and to give them an idea of the ongoing research work which students generally tend to be unaware of.

Visiting alumni were impressed by the quality of research done by mostly first-year students and the level of innovation displayed by their technical projects. They motivated these students to work on projects with social applications rather than attempting to make the regular fancy robots that we see each year.


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