Reboot Committee – Final Report

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The Reboot Committee, comprising student representatives as well as institute functionaries, has published a detailed report encompassing the guidelines and nuances of reopening and resuming normal functioning in IIT Bombay. The major takeaways of the report are listed here and the parent report is attached herewith for detailed information:


This section specifies all the necessary do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind while in the institute.

  1. Masks must be worn in common areas and open spaces at all times
  2. At least 6 feet of space must be maintained between people at all times
  3. Plexi Glasses would be installed in places where social distancing is not possible
  4. Cafeterias shall remain closed
  5. Those who are suffering from cough, fever, body-ache, diarrhoea etc should not come to office and should instead report to the hospital.


The report also lists roles and responsibilities of the Principal Investigator, Heads of Academic Units and Centres, IITB Hospital and the institute, all of which can be checked in the report.


Students will be taken back on campus on a voluntary basis, when their research is such that it requires them to be on campus. Students have been divided into phases to be recalled gradually after assessing the situation before calling the next cohort. If students from a phase would prefer to wait, they can do so, subject to approval from the department and depending upon factors such as room availability, COVID situation in the city and on campus.

First year masters and PhD students, undergraduate students (BTech, BS, BDes) should not come to the IITB campus for Autumn 2020 semester. A few undergraduates may be permitted to return to campus in case they have a BTech, BDes, BS project which requires them to work in a lab. The institute has a separate committee, headed by Prof. Manjunath, which is looking into delivery of online classes. Adequate provisions will be made to catch up with course-work, for students who cannot access online classes and returning to institute can be allowed for them on a case to case basis. This would also include students whose home environment is such that they cannot focus on academic activities, with final approval from the Reboot Committee.

The detailed information regarding phases along with the dates, group of students, instructions for each phase and total numbers is tabulated in the report and can be checked there. 


  1. Students fill up a consent and health declaration form (
  2. HoDs would ensure that incoming students are sparsely distributed across various labs/research groups.
  3. Once approval from departments is obtained, students will be sent a pre-arrival form.
  4. Students should buy COVID health insurance whose coverage is valid for at least 6 months with the institute reimbursing upto Rs. 500 towards premium paid against submission of receipt.
  5. Within a department, each PI and HoD should complete their checklist as given in the report.
  6. Students with physical or mental health concerns should be encouraged to work from home as far as possible.

Norms to be followed by students (Detailed information to be checked in the report):

  1. Students will be asked to reach campus over a specified window of time their arrival information will be collected (through the pre-arrival form).
  2. At IITB Main Gate their temperature will be measured through a thermal/IR scanner, and they will proceed to the designated quarantine location, where they will be asked to stay confined for 14 days.
  3. A list of general do’s and don’ts (at the end of the document) will be shared with students and also displayed in hostels and departments.
  4. Initially the students will stay in H12-13-14 and H10. Mess will be operational only in H12-14 and H10. Strict staggered mess timings will be followed.
  5. After the initial period of hostel stay, if everyone is OK (as per self declaration) they can start going to their labs, strictly maintaining social distancing.
  6. Students should not go outside campus unless it is absolutely essential (with approval from A/Dean (SA)).
  7. Students may be asked to move to rooms/hostels different from the ones they were occupying before lockdown to reduce crowding.

The report can be checked here.


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Placements, internal ‘brain drain’ and academic life of undergraduates at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB)

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