PG Placement Woes

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Placement Statistics 


ProgramParticipatedPlacedPercentage Placed
UGs (BTech & Dual)67562592.59
MTech & 2 yr MSc60347578.77


ProgramParticipatedPlacedPercentage Placed
UGs (BTech & Dual)69262690.46
MTech & 2 yr MSc53845985.32


ProgramParticipatedPlacedPercentage Placed
UGs (BTech & Dual)68859586.48
MTech & 2 yr MSc57744476.95

Source: Placement Reports by the PT Cell

*PhD includes MTech+PhD and MSc+PhD program as well

By having a look at the placement statistics of the last 3 years, it is evident that the placements of UGs are better than that of the PGs. Out of them, Masters students are in a much better position than the PhDs whose placement numbers are abysmal. But still, the numbers of Masters students are lower than that of the UGs. 

Let us have a look at the reasons why the placement scenario of PGs is not as good as that of UGs and the measures which can be taken to improve it. 

Analysis of the situation of Masters students

According to several BTech and MTech students, including an MTech department placement coordinator under the placement cell, a general issue faced by Masters students, is the preference companies tend to have for UG students, due to the higher value allotted by recruiters to students who excelled in JEE, even if the role might require some domain-specific knowledge. 

Although there are roles, either industrial or research-based, that require a specialist background, the number is small. For MTech students, most of the roles for placements are non-core, as is the case with undergraduates. 

Although MTech students are by and large aware of this landscape, lack of awareness or curricular restrictions still persists, about how to go about building a non-core profile, via courses, self-preparation for coding, knowledge about recruitment procedures etc, which is compounded by lack of time and opportunities to do the same, given the shorter duration of the program. 

A major reason for such lack of awareness is that, unlike UGs, MTechs are not given an opportunity to go for internships. Thus, they miss out on having a crucial experience of the internship season as well as that of working in the industry. These experiences give UGs an upper hand for the roles which are common to both Masters and UGs.

Though MSc students are allowed to go for internships, they face a similar set of problems like curricular restrictions, lack of time and opportunities for preparation owing to the shorter duration of the program, etc.     

Analysis of the situation of PhD students

The problems worsen for PhD students, given the specialized nature of their discipline and lack of awareness and support in the institute. Although there are senior industrial positions for which companies are willing to hire PhD students, there is a disconnect between what the job market demands and what the students have to offer, for many reasons.

Firstly, the present nature of the placements system (with Phase 1 in December, Phase 2 starting soon after) is not compatible with the PhD program. PhD’s may complete their dissertation and pass out anytime during the year, unlike UGs or Masters students who usually pass out in May/June. 

Secondly, as hiring for such specialized positions is need-based, as opposed to periodic recruitment schedules for undergraduates, the present structure of placements focused on a particular time of the year is not optimal, and a more dynamic system is warranted. The PT Cell needs to chalk out a different placement process for the PhDs in order to maximise the opportunities for them.

Thirdly, there is a big problem of PhD students not being able to build and showcase an industry-ready profile, which creates a mismatch with the recruiters. In addition to solid domain-specific knowledge, actions such as taking up positions of responsibility, management courses, learning coding boost a PhD student’s profile as they can showcase to the recruiters a more compatible profile that is in sync with the expectations of industrial, managerial roles. Presently, systems that can support and raise awareness on these profile-building tools are lacking, both in the terms of institute bodies taking up initiatives, and guidance from seniors.

Since most institute bodies are run by the UGs, there is somewhat less focus on spreading awareness about the placements among the PGs. These bodies along with the PGAC should take a step forward and should make PGs aware of how they can start building a profile which most of the industry demands. The Masters students must be informed about this from the beginning as they don’t have much time owing to the shorter duration of their program.

Also, there should be a push for MTech, MSc and PhD students to take the respective positions of Placement Managers as they would understand the needs of their colleagues better and would work accordingly. 

New Developments

There are certain steps which are being taken to improve this situation.

According to the work report of GSAA-PG, a career cell has been formulated under PGAC which will look into bringing in more information about career opportunities for the PG Community.

A few weeks back, after hearing placement concerns during the AMA session, the Director formed a committee to revamp and restructure various activities coordinated by the PT Cell. 


Though the PGs constitute about half of the student population of the institute, their placements are not considered as important as compared to that of the UGs. Especially for the PhDs, one needs to change the mindset that they are meant to go into academia and government services. One won’t be wrong to say that the institute lacks in providing good placement opportunities for them. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of both students and the institute to take efforts to overcome the shortcomings regarding placements. The students should do this by making themselves industry ready and full support should be given by the institute to ensure this. Along with this, the institute together with institute bodies can take more efforts in streamlining the placement process to maximise the placement opportunities for the students.


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