Mid Term Review : General Secretary, Sports Affairs 2016-17

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The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editors: Shreerang Javadekar, Shreeyesh Menon
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in

GS Metre


Mid-Term Review:

The tenure so far has seen many major manifesto points completed or in progress. In the area of infrastructure, various improvements to the institute facilities have been proposed and are in the works, including reconstruction of badminton court from wooden to synthetic and an increase in their number from 5 to 9, the setting up of an open gym in the gymkhana grounds, purchase and installation of lockers for gymkhana venues and reformation of the old Kho-Kho court into a handball ground being the major ones. A permanent self-defense venue with equipment has also been set up, and an online court booking system is currently being worked upon.

PG sports has also seen a surge following re-establishment of PG sports training in summers, combined meetings of the PG and Institute council and provision of logistics and event management support to Prithvi, Sports Fest of SOM. Meanwhile at the institute level, frequent training camps through full-time coaches dedicated for Lawn-Tennis,Swimming & Fitness have been organized, along with an institute wide tennis ball cricket tournament in the summers and an institute-wide competitive Skating camp followed by an Open Skating championship. There has also been a push on the setting up of a cricket pitch, volleyball court and football posts in H-15/16 to promote sports culture. Institute council work reports are also issued with monthly updates and provide hostels with progress information on the points in individual manifestos.

However, we have not seen any progress toward formation of an institute team from freshmen batch, or a showcase of accomplishments through an online database comprising of Inter-IIT records, Hostel GC records, etc. Provision of logistical & administrative support for re-soiling and construction of hostel courts & fields, or the appointment of a member from the institute sports council per hostel as a mediator between the hostel and institute council also haven’t seen any advancement.

Broken points:

There are certain issues on Sahil’s manifesto that haven’t been addressme.co.nz/ball-dresses.html”>dressme.co.nz/ball-dressme.co.nz/ball-dresses.html”>dresses.html”>dressme.co.nz/ball-dresses.html”>dressed yet or have broken down. The initiative to push for Kho-Kho and girls squash as trial Inter-IITs failed after rejection in the Inter-IIT board meet. There has been a huge delay in organising inter-hostel board meets to discuss issues like institute awards and GC rules. Also, certain initiatives related to infrastructure have either not started or haven’t been completed on schedule owing to the huge delays in paperwork and lack of cooperation from authorities.

Initiatives beyond the manifesto:

With the GSes continuously striving to complete at least the points on their manifestos, they hardly have the time or the enthusiasm to work on issues outside them. However, most GSes try to pick up relevant and important points from the manifestos of other candidates (post-election) and complete them during their tenures. Sahil has tried to work on make IITB sports better by working on many points outside of what he had promised he would complete:
– A brand new and interactive IITB sports website went online after months of hard-work with important information and features.
– Under the Fit Campus initiative, the sports council conducted an institute-wide Witness the Fitness (WTF) camp with over 1000 participants over 2 phases.
– Adding to his initiative of the Sports wallet, Sahil collaborated with Freecharge and Mobikwik to secure payment of sports related activities and items.
– The council also conducted an institute-wide Yoga lectures series with attendance from the deans and over 800 campus residents.
– The institute sports teams of boys kho-kho, girls basketball and boxing among others participated for the first time in the annual sports meet Spardha at IIT-BHU.
– Cyclothon 2016 was conducted in the institute with over 1800 participants.
– The sports council was successful in centralising the payment and distribution of NSO tees.
– An ongoing task at Sahil’s hand is the setup of a new centralised gym facility in the institute which is expected to be completed by January 2017.


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