Mid Term Review : General Secretary, Hostel Affairs 2016-17

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Chief Editors: Shreerang Javadekar, Shreeyesh Menon
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The GSHA has now spent 231 days in office. We take a look at how he has fared on his manifesto points.

A lot of the GSHA’s points are in progress. This is especially true for the proposed Messes and Eateries reforms, where in most cases, deals are in the process of being finalized, or the issue has been raised in the relevant Hostel Affairs committee. The Natur-o-Joint, for fruit juice, will commence operations tentatively from January; while the vendor to provide night delivery of food is still being decided. Shacks have been set up near the academic area to dispense snacks during the Midsems and Endsems, and some Institute eateries have been roofed, while others await the approval of their design.

A contract for seatless Tum-tums has been negotiated, and the timetable for the Tum-tums will be put up soon. Cycles for the cycle pooling system have been arranged, and the plan will be rolled out soon.

The GSHA fares better when it comes to security reforms. CCTVs have been installed, fences mostly fixed, an all female QRT established, and a professional snake catcher is on call. The auto ticketing system sticks out here- with the current system not without its drawbacks, a new online system is under execution.

The GSHA has most of the points covered regarding institute facilities well under way and some completed. Wi-Fi systems have been installed to ensure greater connectivity, and the Save Surplus Food campaign has been initiated to minimise mess food wastage. Room shifting in hostels will now be easier thanks to a formalised transfer facility. The IIT-B App development is underway, Easy-to-use washrooms for the differently abled are in place in some hostels and will soon be done in all, and the hair salon in H15/16 premises has obtained permissions.

On Hostel Facilities, plans for setting up air conditioned rooms in hostels- starting with Hostel 2, setup of mosquito repellant plants in hostels, and ensuring visits of relevant hostel authorities to aid policy making are all in progress. The Electrical Maintenance Sheets have been restructured and will have a cross signature by one of the hostel council members.

Coming to Healthcare facilities, the proposals have been delayed due to system issues. Data loss has delayed updation of profiles of doctors on the Hospital website, while the blood donation portal will be soon rolled out. The Hospital premises has been well equipped with routers and mosquito nets, and a proposal for a private clinic at the YP Gate is with Dean IPS.

Regarding accountability of the HA council, the proposed HA Times will soon be implemented as a blog, and a system to publicise minutes of Institute level meetings is currently under way.

On relations with Alumni, the development of the Semester Exchange portal will not be pursued in this tenure, whereas proposals for the Alumni gate pass and access to the central library to alumni are underway.

All in all, the GSHA has successfully implemented 17% of his manifesto points, with a further 51% under execution. He has yet to start work on the remaining.


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