GS Sports Review: Harmin Shah

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InsIghT presents a review of the work done by the current GS Sports Affairs Harmin Shah over the course of his tenure till date. The General Body Meeting, or GBM, for the Institute Sports Council will be conducted on the 8th of November 2013 from 8:45 PM to 10:10 PM.

**A brief summary of the advances in each sub-field has been provided. Please click on particular manifesto points to know more about the work done on each of them.


Initiatives for mass participation such as Trip of the Month and Summer Sports League saw very positive participation. Other initiatives such as redoing the website, setting up an online chess portal are still some time away as is the Health and Fitness Club.

[gsreview title=”Trip of the Month” color=”blue”]3 outings have been organised under the ‘Trip of the Month’ with over 300 people participating[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Summer Sports Camp” color=”blue”]Summer camp was organised for 8 sports for a period of 4 weeks and saw over 350 partipants[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Summer Sports League” color=”blue”]Leagues were conducted for both cricket and football and saw around 150 participating in each sport[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Workshops for Recreational Sports” color=”blue”]Not started yet. Workshops and informal events for offbeat sports such as Rugby, Handball, Frisbee etc are now planned to be introduced under ‘Sport of the Month’ initiative next semester. Inavailability of grounds due to rains this semester is claimed as reason for no movement on this initiative.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Health and Fitness Club” color=”blue”]Not formed yet. Currently 12 people are enrolled under the Drona program for Health and Fitness which is planned to be expanded to a full sized club with included activities next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Online Chess Portal” color=”blue”]Site currently in beta testing, to be launched by next semester. Data collection for ranking underway through open events.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Summer Cricket League” color=”blue”]Successfully completed along with a football league as well.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sports for a Social Cause” color=”blue”]Intended partnership with Teach For India fell through. Currently in talks with GRA for same with KV Grounds to be used as venue. Drona mentors to be given responsibility for coaching and Dean SA approval has been taken for start next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Card Games Workshops” color=”blue”]Not done. Bridge workshop planned to be held next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Centralized Purchase System” color=”blue”]Implemented successfully. Rs 90k worth of goods sold in first round of completed purchase. Mobile sports shop is now part of this Purchase System which caters to both individuals and hostel buyers.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Video Tutorials on the Website” color=”blue”]Redesign of website completed, but no tutorials online as of yet.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Gym Trainer in SAC” color=”blue”]DD AIA has refused permission to hire a permanent trainer for SAC Gym. Alternative plans for conducting bi-weekly workshops by trainer on contract have been given approval, to start next semester. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Inter IIT Practice during Monsoon” color=”blue”]External grounds under SAI were identified for use by the Athletics team, but unagreeable conditions led to the coach cancelling the initiative.[/gsreview]

Infrastructure & Facilities

While no major improvement was brought about infrastructure wise this semester, all eyes would be trained on the beginning of the SAC Phase II construction next semester, whose designs were finalized in this tenure.

[gsreview title=”SAC Phase II” color=”blue”]The following relevant manifesto points and more were approved for construction under SAC Pahse II : 1) Rooftop covering for cricket pitches, astro turf field, volleyball courts and basketball courts. 2) Hammer Throw Cage on gymkhana field[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Changing Rooms” color=”blue”]Permission for changing cum utility rooms near the Tennis courts was denied by Dean IPS citing availability of restrooms in nearby staff hostels.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Air Conditioner in TT Hall” color=”blue”]Successfully installed.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sports facilities near H12,13&14″ color=”blue”]Construction of a full size Basketball court has been approved with funds from the Hostel councils. Tennis courts have not been agreed upon and are not planned for in the tenure.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Old Gym” color=”blue”]Timings for Gym near old badminton court were changed to be open 7 days a week. Plans for installing music system were shelved pending the destruction of the Gym to make way for the new Gymkhana building[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Issuable Gum Soled Shoes” color=”blue”]Budget for purchase approved, implementation expected before semester ends. Current delay attributed to bringing Sports Officers on board with program[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”TXT Web & GMail Bot” color=”blue”]No work done in continuing the facility[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Gutting Machine” color=”blue”]One gutting machine is operational near the Tennis courts and is currently only used by members of the tennis team on a trial basis. The facility will publicised when pricing and quality are standardised.[/gsreview]

Institute Events

Implementing and getting Drona up and running was a big achievement this semester, even if its foundation had been laid 2 years ago. The council also seemed unready to handle conflicts in the GCs such as miscommunication on rules in the water polo GC, and teams playing to lose in the TT and Tennis GCs.

[gsreview title=”Freshie Weekend” color=”blue”]Around 250 freshies participated in over 8 sports and the event was quite well received[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Score Boards” color=”blue”]Electronic Scoreboards for Basketball and Volleyball have been approved and are being procured. Construction of metal scoreboards for Hockey, Football, Cricket and Squash has been deputed to the Estate office and is expected by next semester[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sports Mentorship” color=”blue”]Drona Mentorship Program was finally implemented. Currently running for 10 sports with around 270 students and 15 mentors. 2 more batches planned for next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sophie Volleyball” color=”blue”]Successfully introduced in Sophie GC.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”IITB Kho Kho Team” color=”blue”]Selections for team were done in this semester and have participated in one Mumbai circuit tournament.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Open Power Lifting Event” color=”blue”]Was not conducted this semester owing to inter IIT practrice and Drona program keeping team members busy. Deferred to next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Change in NSO Selection Procedure” color=”blue”]Successfully created own portal to allow students to register preferences online but keep it hidden from coaches[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sports Committee Meetings” color=”blue”]3 meetings have been held this semester. Additional meetings were called for by Sports Co’s to discuss additional rules for teams intentionally losing matches, but were not held. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Lukkha Beyond Laptops” color=”blue”]No work done this semester. Activities to be subsumed into ‘Trip of the Month’ initiative next semester.[/gsreview]

PG Events

PG sports received a substantial boost with the increase in budget as well as separate sports equipment for SOM and IDC players.

[gsreview title=”7 vs 7 Cricket” color=”blue”]Not conducted yet, planned for next semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Budget Increase” color=”blue”]PG Sports Budget increased from Rs 1.1 lac to 1.3 lac.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Sports Equipment for SOM & IDC” color=”blue”]Increased budget allowed for equipment purchase for SOM / IDC which is handled independently from Institute sports equipment.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Practice Slots” color=”blue”]Practice slots before GCs and events were given this year as well.[/gsreview]

Inter IIT

While a major success was gaining approval for 2 way flight tickets for inter IIT Guwahati, practice for inter IIT this year was reported to be slow and not as effective effective than last year. Coaches for squash and lawn tennis were hired late, while the badminton coach has been arriving intermittently.

[gsreview title=”Dedicated Coaches” color=”blue”]Advertisements were put out for coaches in the beginning of the semester. Coaches were hired for all except 2 sports – Lawn Tennis and Squash. Coaches for these 2 sports were hired later in the semester.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Physiotherapist” color=”blue”]A physiotherapist has been successfully appointed for duration of the Inter IIT camp in december[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Flight Tickets” color=”blue”]2 way flight tickets for Inter IIT contigent to Guwahati successfully approved for and purchased[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Subsidy Format” color=”blue”]Slight modification in subsidy for racquet sports was implemented. Now a total subsidy is provided unlike individual subsidies in previous years[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Complaint Management System” color=”blue”]Currently being implemented along with the Hostel Affair CMS. Plan to set up individual CMS site by next semester [/gsreview]


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