GS Sports Affairs: Manifesto Review

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**Click on individual manifesto points to get a more descriptive understanding.

Events in red are those that haven’t been started or there has been no satisfactory development in this regard.
Events in blue are those that have been initiated but not completed, or there have been some developments in this regard.
Events in green are those that have been completed as described in the manifesto, or have seen satisfactory developments.



[gsreview title=”Propose to form/support clubs for activities such as Cycling, Trekking, Skating, Jogging & Fitness, Chess and other sports” color=”blue”]Skating and Chess club were already functioning smoothly. Clubs were started in the regular sports to facilitate smooth running of events other than the GCs. Clubs for Cycling, Trekking, Jogging and Fitness weren’t started as there was a lack of conveners. A new proposal has been approved to create a new secretary position for Adventure, Skating and Novel Sports, which would be on a probation period of one year and, if successful, would be made permanent. Club constitution has also been drafted but is yet to be adopted.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Organize club workshops, introductory sessions, informal-open events to attract new membership ” color=”green”]3 workshops were conducted, introductory sessions included orientations for freshmen, postgraduates and a separate orientation for H15C girls. A BMC orientation was also conducted[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Conduct monthly institute events such as ‘Ride of the week’, Biathlons, Triathlons, Trekking expeditions, open tournaments and camps in every sport to actively involve club members ” color=”blue”]One biathlons, two triathlons and one megathon were organised. Triathlon GC was started and owing to the huge participation, an open triathlon was also organised. “Ride of the week” initiative did not take off. Two trekking expeditions were organised under ‘Trip of the Month’. Summer camp was organised with coaching interns from National Institute for Sports. Camps for field sports like football and cricket saw very less number of registrations. [/gsreview]

Tournaments and Activities

[gsreview title=”Introduce an institute wide challenge-and-play ranking ladder for Chess and Racket sports on the lines of the existing Lawn Tennis Ladder ” color=”blue”]An online ladder system is in place for four racquet sports, on the lines of the existing Lawn Tennis ladder. However, it is not functional owing to few glitches that need to be sorted. The online system is web-intensive and a need for an extra web nominee culminated into a new web nominee post. The ladder system would be available in the next tenure.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Start institute wide year-round leagues with open entry for 6 on 6 football and 4 on 4 basketball ” color=”red”]Due a lack of space in the calendar, it could not be organised.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Introduce an Inter-Department Sports Meet across multiple sports to foster UG-PG interaction” color=”red”]The proposal has been scrapped mainly because of speculation on possible postponement of matches owing to GC clashes and other sports events.[/gsreview]

Support and streamlining

[gsreview title=”Create and maintain online ‘IITB Sports Hub’ hosting a bank of video tutorials, GC Match videos & photos, Inter-IIT matches and international matches from all sports ” color=”blue”]Proposal for a new 10 TB gymkhana server along with a 2 TB hard-disk for sports council has been passed. Material for IITB Sports Hub has been collected. It should be functional by the next semester. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose to invite interns from the National Institute of Sports (NIS) to train Inter–IIT teams” color=”green”]Interns were invited from NIS for the summer camp during which they also trained the Inter-IIT teams. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Create a combined council manifesto to increase accountability and foster holistic functioning ” color=”green”]Combined council manifesto was prepared as an internal measure to ensure that the secretary manifestos were completed. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose an online payment portal for event registration fees and equipment purchases ” color=”blue”]Proposal has been approved and the web portal construction is at an advanced stage. The portal for sports affairs would be integrated with the online payment portal for cultural affairs and it should be functional by the next semester.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Provide NSO teaching timeline and integrate NSO feedback with ASC course feedback ” color=”blue”]NSO teaching timeline was handed out by the respective coaches in the beginning of the semester. NSO feedback could not be integrated with ASC course feedback but a feedback form for the first semester was floated on GPO by the chairman of sports.

Adding to Sports

[gsreview title=”Launch ‘Sports for a Cause’ donation campaign to collect-and-distribute sports goods among NGOs ” color=”green”]‘Mashal’ was launched as an Inter IIT initiative during the first Crossy GC. Across all the 16 IITs, distance running events were conducted. Rs. 6,00,000 (six lakhs) were raised which were donated as charity to SMILE foundation. Sports goods would be collected from the graduating students and distributed among NGOs.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Organize talk shows during semester by distinguished sportspersons” color=”red”]Not a single talk show was conducted during the semester.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Promote engineering in sports through academic projects, relevant library literature and lectures ” color=”red”]The idea was to start a Center of Excellence in Sports, an interdisciplinary initiative but the proposal hasn’t been drafted yet. Forms for internship at Olympic Gold Quest were floated. Twelve people applied, however no one got selected.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Push for timely completion of SAC- Phase II for hosting Inter-IIT 2014 ” color=”green”]SAC-Phase II was a priority for the Inter-IIT and the construction of priority facilities was completed before the Inter-IIT tournament kicked off. The tender for the gymnasium has been drafted and floated with the tender date scheduled to be 13th March. The tender has a completion deadline of 90 days and considering the purchase and installation of gym equipment, the gym should be ready in 120 days. Other than the gym, 2 halls in the sports complex opposite H11, 1 board games room, the indoor cricket pitch and lighting of the kho kho court are pending.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose construction of Indoor synthetic multipurpose arena to be used as Futsal court, Rink Hockey and Tennis Courts in place of old swimming pool ” color=”blue”]A proposal to convert the old Swimming Pool area into an indoor facility was sent in July but has been put up for more deliberation. The swimming pool has been filled with cement to make it ready for construction after the proposal is accepted.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Accommodate more players in Indoor SAC by increasing number of badminton courts by re-marking ” color=”blue”]The proposal was to increase the number of badminton courts in the Multi Purpose Hall from 5 to 8. The proposal has been approved but is kept on hold to allow mat surfacing of the courts in the near future and/or improve wood quality of peripheral area. New lights that have been installed are optimised for 8 courts keeping the future increase in number of courts in mind.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose construction of covered footpath around SAC for jogging throughout monsoons” color=”green”]The footpath has been constructed on the periphery of the new courts opposite Hostel 3. It is covered by a shed temporarily. The rooftop covering would be extended to cover the footpath.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Set up Inter-Hostel GC tally boards, and electronic screens with event & result display” color=”blue”]The board for Inter IIT, installed near the new TT hall, is to be used as the Inter-Hostel GC tally board for boys and girls both. Work for electronic screens is being taken up by the other councils.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose for renovation of surface of Badminton, Basketball and Tennis courts ” color=”green”]Renovation was done before Inter-IIT. Tennis court renovation continued till the first day of Inter IIT.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose setting up of an artificial climbing wall in gymkhana facilities ” color=”blue”]The plan is to set up an indoor ‘Bouldering wall’ on one of the walls of the halls in the sports complex outside H11. The artificial climbing wall initiative would be taken up by the next council and would be constructed as an outdoor facility. There is a little trouble with the approval owing to doubts regarding its regular use. The DoSA has signed along with a verbal agreement by the Dean IPS, according to the GSSA. Construction will be planned once the halls get completed. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Ensure re-soiling and levelling of Football ground and Athletics track ” color=”green”]Resoiling was done thrice – before summers, before monsoons and after monsoons. However, the problem with the ground quality is going to persist in the future. Two alternative options are being deliberated upon – synthetic surface with grass (a cost estimate of 3 crores, approval would take atleast a year) or a different, better quality grass.[/gsreview]

Facilities and Outreach

Online Facilities – Gymkhana Website

[gsreview title=”Expand online Centralized Purchase System (CPS) to include more goods (related to Fitness/ Cycling/ Skating) and frequent deliveries fortnightly ” color=”red”]CPS system was restricted from an order-based system to a menu-based system due to the issue of finance handling. Last delivery was done back in August.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Initiate Gymkhana Blog for sports articles by students/alumni & club activity calendars” color=”green”]Blog created on the gymkhana sports affairs website.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Have regular updates on website with an Events Ticker and team photos ” color=”red”]Could not happen due to technical problems[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Provide space for feedback, clarifications (#AskASecy) & registrations for institute events ” color=”green”]CMS was used since the website-intensive work was not in place during the tenure.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Identify jogging routes of varied difficulty with colour coded levels in campus and construct physical maps and road-side direction pointers ” color=”green”]The identification of the routes has been done and the maps have been created. Installation of direction pointers is to be integrated with the Dean IPS signage and wayfinding project.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Publish ‘Campus Sports’, half-yearly institute sports magazine with updates of all sports activities ” color=”red”]This idea was dropped due to lack of readership.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose for nutritionist consulting at Hostel messes as part of health and fitness drive. ” color=”red”]The nutritionist was brought and used for Inter IIT messing. The idea for hostel to hostel nutritionist was scrapped due to almost no control over the mess food to hostelites and low budget.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Push for hiring of Gym Trainer at the institute gym for guidance of fitness enthusiasts ” color=”blue”]4 new trainers, including a female trainer, are going to be recruited for the new gym.[/gsreview]

PG events and organization

[gsreview title=”Learning: Conduct camps and push for PG-NSO as Audit Course, catering to keen learners ” color=”blue”]Although it did not take place as an audit course, it was run for the first semester. Due to falling attendance and retirement of coaches from IIT Gymkhana, it could not be carried forward in the second semester. We were able to serve and give opportunity to 300 students out of 1000+ registrations to learn the sports establishing the fact that it is in demand. The idea was not dropped, the coaches retired from IIT Gymkhana in the second semester[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Competition: Boost active participation by organizing preparation workshops for PG sports players ” color=”green”]Workshops were conducted in sports requiring technical skill.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Representation: Introduce PG conveners in clubs; Involve PG Sports council in organising events ” color=”blue”]The conveners were added in a few clubs and rise in PG participation was observed in most of them.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Resources: Increase equipment availability through PG Sports Budget revision ” color=”green”]The budget was increased to 1.7 lakhs from 1 lakh and purchases were done on time for each of the PG Sports events,[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Awareness: Conduct postgraduate freshmen sports orientation and distribute periodic pamphlets providing information about council members, sports activity schedules and equipment availability ” color=”green”]Orientation was conducted and the pamphlets were distributed during the institute orientation at the beginning of the academic year.[/gsreview]

Institute Events

[gsreview title=”Expand DRONA sports-mentorship program by including more sports & physical activities ” color=”blue”]Although the number of mentors were increased from 16 to 26, the mentorship program ran only for one month.The program will now be extended beyond physical activities to sports such as skating, chess etc.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Launch ‘Summer School of Sport’ constituting learners’ camps conducted by hired professionals ” color=”green”]Around 400 people registered for this and were trained during summer, which led to an increase in participation. All sports except swimming were catered to.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Provide recognition for GC performers with medals & merchandise to winners & ‘Player of the GC’ ” color=”green”]All winning players were awarded medals for all sports. Hostels were allowed to keep their trophies which earlier were rolling trophies.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Organize ‘Freshmen Sports Week’ to encourage participation; scout and create talent pool ” color=”blue”]Not much increase in participation as mostly NSO players participated. Didn’t happen in Football. Hockey event had 4 teams participating.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Organize Indian sport games and fun events on days of national importance.” color=”green”]Sports Mela was conducted during the National Sports Day, and Girls Sports Week on Women’s day. Both were immensely successful.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Propose the concept of ‘Sports Yatra’ to boost sports spectatorship for professional matches” color=”blue”](IPL/HIL/IBL/ National level matches) by providing centralized ticketing and travel options
This was organized only for one sport due to organizational issues.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Introduce Girls & Boys Open events in Pool, Chess, Carrom and other popular board & card games ” color=”green”]Was done satisfactorily. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Organize Sophomore GC in Football and Volleyball and push for inclusion of TT and Athletics ” color=”blue”]Sophomore GC was started for TT, but couldn’t happen as per expectations due to scheduling problems.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Conduct ‘Mixed Sports Gala’ in sports such as Cricket, Basketball, Athletics, Badminton and TT” color=”green”]Conducted as Valentine’s Day sports.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Screening of major matches such as in Football & Cricket World Cups at LT/Convocation hall” color=”green”]Screening of major Tennis and Football matches was conducted.[/gsreview]

Inter-IIT 2014, IIT Bombay

As Host

[gsreview title=”Organization: Form a multi-tiered managerial team for Inter-IIT 2014 to be held at IIT Bombay” color=”green”]A 3-tiered managerial team was formed for the sole purpose of organizing the grand event.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Informal events: Propose to host Talks and Cultural Nights in opening and closing ceremonies” color=”green”]Talks were given by multiple celebrities and numerous recreational activities were organized in the evenings.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Player lounge: Arrange for cafeteria and players’ leisure lounge ” color=”blue”]Cafeteria was arranged for the participants. However, proposal for leisure lounge was rejected.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Information: Distribute pamphlet with campus maps and local information guide ” color=”green”]This was successfully done at the start of the Inter IIT Sports Meet. In addition to this, a daily newspaper with highlights of the previous day was also distributed in messes. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Updates: Set up electronic screens at various venues to update scores and results” color=”green”]Screens to display scores at certain sporting venues were installed. Instilive, a website with regular scores was also created.[/gsreview]

As Participant

[gsreview title=”Training: Hire coaches & propose to hire physiotherapist summers-onwards for team practices” color=”blue”]Coaches were hired in October. Physiotherapist was available only during the camp and the meet. [/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Gold Quest: Launch Gold Quest for Inter-IIT with website for contingent activities & player details ” color=”green”]A website dedicated to the Sports Meet was created containing all necessary information[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Feedback: Collect periodic feedback for equipment, coaching, messing & accommodation issues ” color=”green”]Both online and offline feedback was taken.[/gsreview]

Coordination and transparency

[gsreview title=”Conduct frequent meetings between PG, Hostel and Institute sports councils to increase coordination” color=”blue”]3 meetings during last semester and 2 during this semester were conducted with Hostel Council. Only 2 meetings were held with PG council. Due to hosting of Inter IIT less focus could be given to this.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Assist Hostel and PG councils by providing maintenance & construction guidelines and vendors lists ” color=”green”]This was done extremely well. In addition to providing contact details, hostels were added to rate contracts to facilitate easy ordering of equipments. Annual Maintenance Contract for gymnasiums was also combined for all hostels.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Formulate & distribute Rulebook & Calendar with Sports Organizing bodies at beginning of semester” color=”blue”]Rulebook could not be created. However, a tentative calendar was handed out to all the Hostel Cos.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Maintain online and offline (hostel mess) feedback and suggestion box to”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress grievances ” color=”blue”]Only online feedback could be given.[/gsreview]

[gsreview title=”Conduct at least one Institute GBM and Open house every semester for improved functioning ” color=”blue”]One GBM was conducted last semester. Open house has not been conducted even once in the tenure.[/gsreview]


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