GS Hostel Affairs Review – Chandra Mouli Siva

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**Click on individual manifesto points to get a more descriptive understanding.

A point in Green signifies that the work has been done and to a great level of satisfaction. Orange signifies that some more improvement is possible with regard to the point. A point in Red implies no work has been done in view of that point. To gain a better understanding of how well a specific manifesto point was executed we tried to take into account the views of the GS and the various stakeholders involved.

Hostel Services

[gsreview title=”Investigate and design ‘pay per meal’ systems in hostels, in coordination with hostel councils” color=”orange”]This was outrightly quashed by the authorities. Almost all the councils had tried hard for non-messing facility, but the dean didn’t accept this. However, the GSHA been trying to implement this in another way – a three meal per day scheme (without including the breakfast).[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Initiate construction of multipurpose courts and cricket pitches in hostels, using recyclable construction rubble drastically bringing down the costs” color=”green”]Option was made available to all the hostels, but many of them did not utilize the facility for various reasons, like delay in time or lack of coherence between the hostel and the institute councils. There was a pilot project in H10 where things got done by summer of 2012 and it was a huge success. H8 Basketball ground is in progress and the facility was also utilized by H6 and H7. The same concept was also used in construction of pavements near Mom’s Khana, Sunrise Dhaba and also benches near Tum-Tum stops.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will follow up on hiring a professional agency for regular monitoring, nutrition check and vigilance in hostel mess and canteens” color=”red”]This has not been done because Mess Councils are not enthusiastic about the health and nutrition but more concerned about the taste. Moreover, the proposals he got were way too costly. The agency demanded a lakh per hostel per year. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Ensure quick completion of solar water heater project in all hostels” color=”orange”]All the hostels were assigned a contractor except H12, H13, H14. Work started in H4 and H10. It might take a couple of months per hostel. The construction of the bathrooms in these hostels is different compared to other hostels. So, it might take a few more months to get a contractor for these hostels. However, one of our sources says that the GSHA can’t credit himself for this work because it is the institute that has done everything and not the HA Council. For that matter, this was started in previous GSHA’s tenure and even he shouldn’t strictly get credit for this.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Follow up on canteen extensions as per the status and requirements of hostels” color=”green”]This has a direct impact on the hygiene. The GSHA got the extension done in H1, H8, H9 and approved in H6. H3 and H5 are difficult to get space for extensions. The Hostel 3 council was not offered any direct assistance in this respect, but the GSHA provided instructions regarding the canteen extension. It is expected that the trend might continue and the other hostels might also find a possible way to get their canteen extensions. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to re-explore options for separation of common mess for hostels 12, 13, 14″ color=”orange”]This has been approved by the authorities. A suitable place is being thought of. The final draft hasn’t yet taken on a shape. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Follow up on the timely progress of Landscape Development project for hostel 12,13 and 14 which includes facilities like food court, cycle shed, permanent bus stop shelter etc” color=”red”]This was never of very high priority. This was not done. This is also a little difficult. Landscape development are institute projects and they happen at their speed. It can be said that the GSHA would not have been able to achieve much in this regard.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”*Will follow up opening of new gate of H-10 and propose to setup a tum tum stop near it” color=”green”]Update (17th March, 2013): Done[/gsreview]

Institutional Services

[gsreview title=”Re-initiate the dialogue between railways and IIT for a reservation counter inside the campus” color=”orange”]We have a letter of intent from the Railways, but because of a rule of Railways that their services should always be open for public and should not be restricted only to some part of public stops them from setting up a Counter inside IIT. However a service like this exists in IIT Delhi. This was also pointed out during elections.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose lifting of LAN-BAN during mid-semester examination and weekends; internal and selected educational sites to be accessible 24 x 7″ color=”green”]Reduced the timings of the LAN BAN. Though not done as said, the GSHA strove hard for lifting lan ban. He was not successful in lifting the ban during weekends and on select educational sites. This work of his is highly appreciated. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to setup a licensed permanent kiosk for Courier/Passport/Travel ticketing service in hostel area at discounted price throughout the year for students” color=”red”]This was not accepted by the DD(AIA) Prof. Mallick because DD doesn’t want to encourage agents particularly when the Govt. of India has made the seeking of respective things very transparent and easy. But, interestingly, this point also figures in the manifesto of a this year’s candidate. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to setup coffee and snacks outlet near library, to function till late nights during exams” color=”green”]Done.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Ensure that Hostel Delivery service is provided by the food outlets in hostel area” color=”red”]Not yet started. But, might get done very soon once the Coco-Cola outlet starts functioning.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Conduct a review and propose to upgrade the chemicals used by the Public Health Office” color=”green”]Review has already been done. Care is taken so that better chemicals are being used. Many other new initiatives like onine room cleaning also were in place.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Propose to setup special automated counters for students for issuing prescription slips” color=”green”]One of the Automated counters was set up and the other was not. The other one will be done in the new building once it is completed. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Ensure organization of medical records of students into separate cabinet drawers” color=”orange”]All the files will be shifted to the new block once the new building is up, either in April or May.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose to make the hotline number for ambulance accessible from mobile phones” color=”green”]A hotline number was allotted but it was not accessible from Mobile Phones. Moreover, no publicity has been done. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”*Propose to have specialist visits on weekends also, for convenience of students” color=”green”]Update (17th March, 2013):Done. A Dentist and a Psychiatrist are available on weekends. Will also try for an ENT in the near future. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose covers for medicines with a copy of the prescription on them” color=”green”]Covers to medicines are provided. DONE.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose to grant subsidy for expensive vaccines for needy students from Dean SA office” color=”green”]Two doses which cost 1350 INR were given previously. But, luckily, single doses which cost around 800 INR to 900 INR were available in the market from the previous year. So, that itself got the price reduced manifold. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose setting up of First Aid boxes at the security desk in all the hostels” color=”green”]This got approved, and, in fact many of the hostels used this facility.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Setup a committee constituting of students to review hospital services and suggest improvements. The committee will present a report to Dean SA and Hospital management” color=”green”]A Hospital and Health advisory committee was set up with a few student representatives, doctors and the Dean SA. But, its minutes were never uploaded and ghetto gsecs are not
aware about it.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Will follow up on inclusion of at least one snake catcher round the clock and publicize a security helpline number accessible from mobile phones” color=”orange”]A Snake Catcher got approved but this was not yet implemented. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Follow up the installation of a computer at main gate with a dedicated LDAP ID for
synchronizing guest accommodation booking system with it” color=”orange”]Not yet implemented, but will get done in the near future once the main gate is modified. Right now, the problem is that there is no good place for the setting up of a computer.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to improve security at the central water pump-house” color=”green”]Added extra fences. Tried adding extra security even, but the authorities were satisfied with the security over there and were adamant in not providing extra man-power.[/gsreview]

Tum Tums

[gsreview title=”Will push to make the Tum-Tum service available 24×7 after 6 new buses are procured” color=”green”]Round the clock Tum-Tum service had been an outstanding success. Also, order was placed for the Six new Tum-Tums and they are yet to come.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose rear doors for big Tum-Tums, for quick and efficient shuttling” color=”red”]Could not be done because a fuel tank comes in the way of the proposed design of the rear door.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”*Will review tum-tum stops in the hostel area and propose to add new stops near Hostels-15, 16″ color=”green”]Update (17th March, 2013):The Hostels didn’t come up yet. But, review was done, and it was decided that the re-designing need not be done. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose multiple starting points around the gymkhana ground during peak hours to increase accessibility of tum-tums for hostels” color=”green”]Only one new starting point beside H4 was started. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Setup temporary rain shelters at bus stops in hostel and academic areas during monsoons, with a proposal to pave the ground, wherever required” color=”green”]Done at almost all the bus stops. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Propose to make Tum Tum schedules flexible and frequent during events and examinations” color=”red”]This would not be of much use because Tum-Tums would not anyhow follow the exact schedule. Idea was to have a Tum-Tum for every 5 min in peak times and for every 15 min in non-peak times. However, this is not possible per se. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will display Tum tum routes and schedule for non-peak hours at all stops. A set of rules will be framed for the service and made public” color=”orange”]Schedule was not put up because there’s no point in it when Tum-Tums don’t follow schedules. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose to setup a dedicated phone number for real-time complaints against the service” color=”orange”]This is scheduled to be done in February, but not done as of now ! On a side note, the Tum-Tum facilities were highly improved and the work of HA Council is appreciated in this regard.[/gsreview]


[gsreview title=”Will integrate feedback for Food outlets,Tum-Tums, Hospital etc into the CMS” color=”red”]Not done as of now. CMS needs more time to change. It’s working well right now, but efficiency should further increase. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will set up a hierarchy in the Complaint Management System (CMS) and provide logins to all hostels, with tagging of complaints as ‘pending’ and ‘solved’. Pending complaints will be automatically forwarded to higher levels in the council after a stipulated duration” color=”green”]Though, CMS is not being used exactly as said, it was way influential in quick problem solving. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”*Will conduct Institute open-houses as a part of every Hostel’s GBM” color=”green”]Update (17th March, 2013):Done. Attended almost every hostel’s GBM. One Open House was conducted in the institute after 6 years. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Conduct regular meetings for Hostel General Secretary, Maintenance and Mess committees” color=”green”]Mouli says this was done and also the Gen Secs I spoke to seconded the information.[/gsreview]

Information Campaign

[gsreview title=”Will setup an online notice board displaying updates of all activities and events in the institute” color=”green”]This was done, though much credit goes to GSAA’s Council for this. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”*Permanent laminated notice having all important links and numbers will be put up on hostel notice board, which will be available throughout the year” color=”orange”]Update (17th March, 2013):Some work was done in this regard and the onus is on the Hostel Council to get this done. [/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will renovate gymkhana website to integrate all sites related to student activities with it ” color=”green”]Done, but only to the worse. There’s a negative opinion about the new website among the students.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Important notices and minutes of meetings will be e-mailed and put up on hostel notice boards” color=”red”]Not Done.[/gsreview]

Green Campus Initiatives

[gsreview title=”Ensure planting of aesthetically appealing plants near food outlets” color=”orange”]Done to some extent, but not in full swing.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will centralize scrap and debris details from hostels for easier disposal” color=”orange”]E-Scrap is getting done. It’s in the pipeline.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will propose to develop hostel gardens through green campus committee and IITB nursery” color=”green”]Took care of any demand from any hostel like soil and plants.[/gsreview]

Alumni Relations

[gsreview title=”Setup centralized online interface for approved wish-list of hostels and other organizations” color=”red”]Not Done.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Categorize projects of the wish-list as sell-able units and ensure their visibility to the Alumni” color=”red”]Not Done.[/gsreview]
[gsreview title=”Will Integrate information into History Saving Mechanism (HSM) through online forms” color=”green”]There is a database now maintained of all conversations and interactions with the alumni for future references but hasn’t yet been made open to the students.[/gsreview]

Out of the Manifesto things done:

  • Directors visits to the hostels. In every hostel, three or four major decisions were taken by the director. The team consists of the Director, Deputy Director, DOSA, Dean IPS and the HCU Chairman. These visits were done in H6, H9 and H4.
  • Wifi in common areas. Routers were ordered but got delayed due to the diversion to QIP. Order was repeated and will get installed soon. This got approved and the implementation is only a matter of delay.
  • Additional lighting in the room got approved by the Director during one of his visits. The Institute has to go through tendering !
  • Room painting got doubled to 200 rooms per year per hostel. Initially it was 100 rooms per year per hostel.
  • The Best Mess Competition was revived.
  • Postal Service onto GPO. A mail will be sent to the GPO of the person who receives a post.
  • 24*7 allowance of girls into the common areas of Boys Hostels. The decision was taken in a Hostel Coordination Committee (HCC) Meeting. This got approved. The final decision was left with the GenSecs and Wardens.
  • Mess timing got extended to 9.30 PM in all the Government Messes.
  • A Mess Subsidy of 3000 INR is being given from the next academic year. This is the first time ever when there is a reduction in fee of 3000 INR.
  • Cashless Campus – Around 1800 people have tags and are using it. Trying to improve the quality of the programme. The Idea to integrate the tag with ID Card is taken in a meeting and that is also in the manifesto of present GSHA Candidates.
  • Reimbursement of Hospital costs was increased from 60,000 INR to 1,00,000 INR.
  • Institute wide sterilization of Dogs.
  • Institute Network and Networking Committee accepted the Static Vendor Scheduling Policy. Every two weeks, your hostel gets a vendor and that too at the time requested by the council. A lot of pressure was released from the Councils. All the Council has to do is aggregate the complaints.
  • Launching Laundry 24, which provides laundry and dry cleaning services.
  • Online guest accommodation system in place. This is really a very useful interface. We can get away with all the previous unnecessary hard work.
  • Coupon vending machines near gates is in pipeline. Uniform will be given to the drivers.
  • Sim Card shops are set up in July when freshies are coming into the institute.
  • Developed a prototype of Electronic Boards in relation with STAB.
  • Getting approval for special task force for estate office which consists of Students, Deans and Authorities. This increases the work force and sees to it that the problems are attended duly.
  • House rent allowance to Married Scholars started – 5000 INR per month from this Jan.
  • The burden of the increased buses is not put on the students. The institute has given 23 Lakh as subsidy thereby relieving pressure on students.

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