Geomatrix 2011

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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (, Ishita Poddar (

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Geomatrix’11, the 2nd national conference on geospatial technologies and applications was held on the 26th and 27th of February, 2011 at Victor Menezes Convention Centre, IIT Bombay. This conference was organised by Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE), IIT Bombay.

Since its inception in 1976, CSRE has been a pioneer in the development and application of geospatial technology and has made significant contribution in the theoretical side and also application to various aspects of Natural Resources Management, Natural Hazard Mapping and Environmental Monitoring. CSRE offers academic programmes M.Tech. and PhD in Geoinformatics and Natural Resources Engineering. A UG Minor programme on “Geoinformatics and Applications” has also started recently. Resources Engineers Association of the Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE) organized a national conference Geomatrix  in 2009 which received a huge response from a varied audience and was termed a grand success. Geomatrix ’11 is the second conference in the series of Conferences on Geospatial Technologies and Applications organized by CSRE. The aim of Geomatirx ’11 was to bring into focus the advances in geospatial technology and applications and provide a platform to young researchers from various academic institutes in the country to share their experience and expertise in this field. The conference also included participation from leading experts and the industry who shared their research ideas and put forth outstanding problems and challenges in this field.


Geomatrix 2011 was started with the welcome”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress by Prof. H. S. Pandalai, Deputy Director IIT Bombay and Inaugural”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress by “Padmashree” Dr. B.L. Deekshatulu. Dr. B.L. Deekshatulu is well known for his research and technological contributions in the field of Control Systems, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. He was the former director of National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad. After that, there was a keynote”>”>dresses.html”>”>dress by special invitee Shri Pramod Kale and a vote of thanks by Head CSRE, Prof. Mrs. P. Venkatachalam. Then oral and poster sessions were started. Around 160 delegates had participated in the conference and 64 papers were presented through oral and poster presentations. The theme of the conference encompasses all aspects of geospatial technology including tools, techniques and applications. During these presentations we also had some great lectures by renowned personalities such as lecture on “Global Agricultural DSS” by Prof. Seishi Ninomiya, University of Tokyo, a talk on “Research on Geospatial Tools and Techniques in CSRE” by Prof. S. S. Gedam, CSRE, and a talk on “Research on Geospatial Technological applications in CSRE” by Prof. R. Nagarajan, CSRE.

The Paper on “Structural Deformation Monitoring of Large Engineering Structures Using GPS: A Case Study on Koyna Dam, Western Maharashtra” by Ms. Nisha Radhakrishnan of NIT Tiruchirappalli was judged as the Best Paper.

The poster on “Implementation of Mobile Data Communication Systems for Better Customer Service: A Case Study of Capital District Transportation Authority, Albany, NY” by Aruna Reddi of IIT Kharagpur was judged as the best poster.

Congratulations!! 🙂

-Rahul Lakhmani


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