Film Festival: 2 March 2011

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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (, Ishita Poddar (

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The ‘Interaction session’ with Cyrus Dastur, the founder of Shamiana – The Short Film Club, was eagerly awaited by all film-makers of the institute. Cyrus spoke about what makes a short film effective and the differences between a short film and a feature film. He expressed his surprise and appreciation for the quality of films made in IITB. The room erupted into applause when Cyrus announced that he would be glad to screen 3 student made films in Shamiana’s screening sessions. He hoped that this would provide a better platform for film-making enthusiasts in the Institute, as the students would get an opportunity to interact with some of the best in the business. Some student movies were screened including, ‘The Wheel’, the winning entry of the Film Making GC, ‘99 seconds’ is Hostel 7’s entry in the Stop Motion GC and ‘Who I Am’, made by Hostel 3 freshies for Film Festival.

The Wheel (Hostel 4) is about a thief who pays with his life for the deeds that he has done and how life goes full circle. With its brilliant editing and painstakingly shot storyline, it stands out.

99 seconds (Hostel 7) is 1200(!!) photos collated together. The awesome Infected Mushroom background score with graphics, makes it a must watch.

The Prestige: Hostel 6 (Stop Motion entry)

‘Who I Am’ was a video was an interesting approach to the topic of do-what-you-love. The dialogue between GOD and the protagonist was very well thought out. Kudos to HOSTEL 3 freshies for doing a good job, though, some felt the ending could have been better.

The evening started with the screening of Sintel, a Blender Institute contribution to the field of animation, the story of a young girl in search of her baby dragon.

Sintel was followed by the movies made by IITB students, followed by ‘Mochi’, a film by Pravin Bhamre (A professional director and writer of short films), which subtly questions the work notions of the current generation and dignity of labour. Next was a 4-minuter, ‘Moment of Truth’ directed by Susan Jacobson, a fabulous film which portrays the dilemma of a photographer who captures a horrifying battle scene.

The 3D movie screening, another attraction for the day, had a packed auditorium. Around 50-60 students had to be sent back due to non-availability of space. Ice Age-3 was a huge success, and the CUBE[3D], the first attempt by students of the campus in making a 3D movie, was well received. 3D glasses were provided.

The event was well organized, the only inconvenience being the delay in start, which most of us expect and are accustomed to!

-Srinath Ranya


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