Endterm Review: GSSA

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As the academic year ends so does the tenure of the student representatives. We review the tenure of Ritik Madan, GSSA.

Ritik Madan
Ritik Madan

Ritik completed 23 of his 43 manifesto points in their entirety while partially finishing 8 and 12 of them having almost no progress made on.

Completed and Partially Completed Points

Some of the most significant points that did get completed were the NSO 2.0, LYP opportunities to Aavhan winners and the implementation of the grievance portal on the website. With NSO skating not started due to lack of infrastructure. The Avhan fest was expanded upon significantly due to a larger budget. The finances were also restructured hopefully allowing implementation of pay-per-class in future tenures.

The fitness drives point was implemented for the inter-IIT teams and one session open for all was also conducted.

The rock-climbing wall proposed, is under construction and should be finished by the end of next month(April)

Honour boards were installed in the volleyball court and basketball court. The initiative was expanded and plan for setting up signage boards across several sports venues is in the pipeline.

The renovation of the hockey store was done. As well as the implementation of the equipment pooling for hockey sticks was seen through with 10 hostels participating.

Open gyms are installed in a couple of hostels, with installation in other hostels is still underway.

E-washroom installation at the tennis courts has been approved but is yet to be implemented.

LAN ports and telephonic connectivity in a few locations at the new SAC has been done.

All points under PG sports orientation, Prithvi and other SoM events and the hostel 13 lights were completed. The temporary sports outlet was deemed unnecessary and not implemented.

Improvements to hostel GC’s were made. Along with the aforementioned equipment pooling, the point regarding rolling trophies and award ceremony was completed. Improvements in the football and cricket GC finals were seen with hostel flags and scoreboards, but there was a lack of portable seating for the audience.

The e-sport competitions were held.

Inter-IIT training was held and the launch of the Bombay Blackcats merchandise. Training was provided for the differently-abled athletes for weightlifting.

The bi-monthly elite athlete programme was continued but only confined to athletics.

Incomplete points

There was little to no progress made with the development of the Sports App. Along with its several initiatives that relied on the app were also not completed. These include Player-radar, customized notification, sports analytics, live scores, digital wallet and pay-per-class.

The synthetic basketball court proposed hasn’t made progress.

The extension of the swimming was struck down as unnecessary by the estate office.

The futsal championship was not held.

There were several adventure activities that were cancelled due to high costs like camping and paragliding rafting and scuba diving. Although the treks were held and BMC was brought back after 3 years.

The snooker and cycling club were not started as well. Although other initiatives on cycling have been taken.

Regarding the condition of the ground. Delays due to rain and the urgency of inter-IIT and Aavhan pushed soiling to summers.

Find here the GS Metre page for for Sports Affairs.

The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight and the Students’ Gymkhana IIT Bombay. If you wish to reproduce any content herein, please contact us:
Chief Editor: Aparajeya Dash
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in


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Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without