Where Does Your Money Go? – We Fin(e)d Out

1 min read

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A lot of speculation goes on in the institute about the fine collected by the DoSA from students found guilty of violating institute rules and where and how it is channelled. So to put the matter to rest, InsIghT found out the requisite details.

During the last 4 years, from April 2007 to March 2011, a total of Rs. 25,11,029 has been collected as fine in the DoSA’s account which is equivalent to virtually Rs. 50,000 per month. But, before April 2007, there was no norm of collecting fines. A student who was found violating any institute rule was either warned or had to face DAC in serious cases. While this method worked well for small offences when the students were let go with a warning, some cases had to be dealt harshly with a DAC. As the cases began to grow numerous in number, the authorities had to come up with mone-tary penalty to serve as a middle path between warning and DAC. A protocol was set up after April 2007 that included some minimum monetary punishment for breaching such rules.

The money collected as fine is deposited in a sepa-rate fine account by the DoSA office. The same is used from time to time by the office to sponsor or fund various expenditures of student concern. The utilization of this amount is decided in consultation with the GSHA and other student representatives.

A purchase of two more buses has been sanctioned with the remaining amount in the account. Any queries regarding the utilization of these funds can be taken up with the DoSA office.

Alcohol Rs.5000
Substance Abuse No fine yet. At this time only parental involvement +rehab
Motorcycle Rs.5000
Cycling in corridor Collected by security
Public Display of Affection & Ragging Depends on severity of matter


Giving honorarium to staff & security officials Rs. 2,62,758
Helping students belonging from financially weak background for their fees, medical expenses etc. Rs. 5,33,054
Procurement of projector used for student activities, screenings in LT etc. Rs. 94,500
Fixed Deposit in Bank Rs. 1,00,000


For further details contact Mayank Agarwal and Nikunj Jha at mayankagr18@gmail.com and nikunj.magician@gmail.com respectively.


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Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without