Dancing at IIT Bombay: 1400 Dancers, 71 Locations,1 video

1 min read

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A friend pinged me with the link to the video yesterday morning. The GChat window betrayed the name of the Youtube video. And of course, I left everything suspended while I was taken on this overwhelming five minute nostalgic ride.

IIT – the name, the concept, the place and the feeling you dream of for the two years you think of nothing but clearing the IIT JEE (RIP). And then, you are there. Before you know it, the place adopts you. Passing the initial phase of homesickness when you dive headlong into the culture that thrives in this island-esqe institute that has a life of its own, it grows into you and you grow into it. The people you spend your waking moments with shape your lives in ways that in retrospect you appreciate more and more. It is true, I undoubtedly spent the best years of my life, yet, at IITB.

The damp pavement, the raindrops falling on your head as you rush down those sidewalks, the unmistakable smell of mess food and chatter, hostel life, the corridors you’ve walked through dozens of times, the labs you sweated your afternoons out in, the classrooms where you learnt so much and invariably slept in, fun, laughter, celebrations, achievements, hugs, bumps, lingo, clubs, treats and just about everything is an inseparable part of you as you end your stay at insti, what we fondly call our alma mater, IITB. You see the gulmohar trees flower in the beginning of every summer and little do you think that you’ll probably see those flaming red petals adorn the roads a handful of times.

The video, for all the 71 locations in was shot at – it’s a tremendous effort by Rahul Ajmera, Jatin Solanki and Abhilasha Saroj and everyone involved on and off the camera. And though the concept was borrowed and there have been similar videos made before, the fact that these places are our own makes it special. There should probably be an encore of such a video ten or twenty years down to line as IITB changes with time but I don’t think it can ever lose that praan we associate with it.



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