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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (210100035@iitb.ac.in), Ishita Poddar (21b030016@iitb.ac.in)
Mail to: insight@iitb.ac.in
Volume 10.4 – Where are we Headed?
Very relevant for the harrowing placement season, this article published in 2008 surveyed the graduating batch of the year to gauge their satisfaction with their 4 years spent in the institute. Read the article to know how the batch’s opinions changed on what they want to do in the future and how the institute changed them.
Volume 10.3 – What’s Wrong with us?
This article of Volume 10.3, also published in 2008 deals with the rampant dishonesty and lack of motivation amongst students. It was a problem then and it is now, only now there are new ways to breach academic integrity (ChatGPT). Students cheat on assignments, tests, and wherever they feel they can get away with it. Read the article to know the professors’ opinions and the reasons students justify dishonesty and cheating.

Volume 8.4 – The Institute Bodies – a Deeper Scrutiny
Students don’t elect the CGs or OCs of IBs, does that mean they’re not accountable to anyone? Does receiving money from sponsorships and not the institute mean they can spend it however they want? To answer these questions, read this article of Volume 8.4 published in 2006, and written by people who have held these posts in ICC and IBs themselves!

Volume 6.3 – That Night I saw India
The author of this wholesome article narrates completely unplanned events that unfolded on one particular night as he was traveling and attempting to reach his destination on time. Every time something went wrong, a completely random stranger would go out of his/her way to ensure he was helped out. Thus, this article, again published in 2003, highlights generosity and reveals the heart of Indians.
What makes an IITian different from the rest? What problems does it cause and why is it essential to seek help? What’s the right time to seek help? Are there any upsides to being so ‘different’? Read this article of Volume 6.3 to find out.

IITs were originally established to provide world class education to Indians and produce excellent engineers who would then work towards the development of the country. However, a large percentage of IITians just end up leaving this country and working abroad. This article published in 2003 talks about the responsibility of IITians to the 100 crore people whose tax money maintains them and methods to motivate them to fulfill it.