Reporters: Abhi Suri, Akshay Soni, Alankar Jain, Manu Sahay, Neha Innanje With inputs from Mukul Gupta and Vivek Upadhyay September 14, 2011, the day the government announced the abolition of the JEE and AIEEE while at
‘Pitch It!’ is an ‘Idea Validation and Mentoring Platform’ for the students of IIT Bombay launched by E-Cell. This event aims at providing students a chance to pitch their nascent ideas to stalwarts in entrepreneurship.
The previous version of this article was incomplete and did not present a holistic view. We have now incorporated additional information into this report and taken down some unsubstantiated views with the aim of making
The recently concluded hostel festival of Hostel 9 – ‘9tanki’ is a prefect example of fostering the hostel interaction amongst its inmates through cultural, sports and social activities.
The second edition of ‘Sports Alunni Student Meet’ turned out to be a great platform for an informal interaction between the alumni and stiudents of IIT-Bombay by playing various sports against each other.
The second and thrid day of the ‘IIT-Bombay Theater Fest’ totally lived up to its expectations with the plays ‘Mamtaz Bhai Patangwaale’ and ‘The Interview’ entertaining the audience all the way.
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