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Slack security has long been a grave problem, authorities seem to be rising finally, if the
recent steps are an indication… by harsh roy and anand mathur
Security in IIT has been revamped in part, by handing over the hostel
security in private hands. The smartly dressed “Men in Black” are
employed by TRIG, a nationwide reputed security outfit, trusted with life
by likes of Amitabh Bachchan. In addition, TRIG men are entrusted with
securing Banks, Corporate offices, Multi-storied apartments etc. The
services of TRIG have been sought by IIT on a three month trial contract.

Prof G.K Sharma, head of security advisory committee, elucidating the
reasons for such a step, said that IIT maintains a 151 strong security staff
of its own, commensurate with ministry requirements of a maximum ratio
of supporting staff to academic staff. In an effort to beef up the security,
TRIG has been employed to man specific areas like Hostels 1-9, Staff
Hostel, Tansa, Campus School and patrolling near hill area to prevent
encroachment. Their current strength is 15 men in one shift, working in
three shifts round the clock. The terms of duty remain unchanged and they
have not been given any extra powers.

IIT had conducted a massive recruitment drive recently, to employ
security personnel (refer to article “Watch out! The knights have arrived…
“,issue-5) , but only 10 men were finally selected out of “1500” applicants.
Currently, almost 60 security guards are above the age of 50, and a need
was felt to inject some young blood among security ranks. Another
moving consideration was that the employment of a private security
concern is a “no strings attached” simpler affair. Professor Sharma
highlighting the advantages of this measure said that it ensures good
performance, improved efficiency with virtually no added liabilities to
bother for, compared to employment of permanent security staff who have
to be provided for housing, and other benefits. This arrangement has been
successfully enforced in other IITs also, he added. The decision however,
was met with resistance from the Non Academic Staff Association, who
are perennially against any efforts towards privatization. The strain
between the new security men and the permanent security employees is
also apparent. In a recent incident involving a hostel-9 inmate who
contacted Main gate security desk to send for an auto to pick his luggage
was refused. The guard on duty said that the responsibility of security has
been snatched from them and that the hostel guard must do the job of
arranging the auto, before hanging over…

Panther Menace…
It is that time of the year again when our wild neighbor, who has been an
uninvited visitor for some years now, decides to make a move. However it
seems that this time it might be in for a rude reception. Mr. Dhankar,
security head revealed that a cage is being made to trap the wild cat and
some security men from IIT will receive training at the Borivili national
park for the same. He said that the non availability of a cage was always a
problem in yesteryears and this time IIT has taken the onus on itself to
acquire a cage and train its own personnel to meet any eventuality.

Ending Encroachment…
IIT has been plagued by this problem for long owing to the porous
boundaries and lack of proper surveillance. Some headway seems have to
been effected in alleviating this problem through legal means and
increased patrolling in vulnerable areas. Recently a patch of encroached
area near the main gate heading towards the lake was cleared following
court orders. Two security guards have been deputed near hill area with
the sole duty of checking further swelling of existing encroachment in the

InsIghT has time and again taken to task the slack security in the campus.
The concerns seem to bear fruit now, if this step to privatize the security is
viewed to be a positive one. Authorities seem to be gradually responding
to the increased security demands. The steps initiated to curb the panther
menace should indeed be welcomed. We hope that this step is first in the
series of initiatives towards making IIT a safer place to live


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Arem Praveen Prakash

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