Freshie Feature

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Chief Editors: Ayush Agarwal (, Ishita Poddar (

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Credits: Aatreyi, Harman, Kadambari & Kumud

Mentor – Akansha

The following article is an interview with Sanskriti, the chief editor at Insight, during the 2023-24 tenure, by a Freshie Feature Panel in February 2023. They also conducted a fun survey among the editorial board members of the 2022-23 tenure, whose results are presented alongside the interview.

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Credits: Abhay Kinagi

Mentor – Nistha

The following article is an interview with Ananya, a senior editor at Insight during the 2022-23 tenure, by a Freshie Feature Panel of 2022-23. Dive into her journey and learn about her experience at Insight, with tons of learning to take away! 

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Credits: Nikhil Upadhyay and Aryan Kashyap

Mentor – Tanvi

The following article is derived from an interview with Professor Mayank Pareek from the SOM department, conducted by a Freshie Feature Panel 2023-2024. Here are some highlights from our conversation, where he shared his personal experiences in the corporate world, his transition to becoming a professor at IIT Bombay, and more.

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Credits: Pratyush Panda 


The following article stems from an interview with Professor Malay Mukul from the Earth Science department, led by a Freshie Feature Panel 2023-2024. Delving into various topics, Professor Mukul shared his insights on the emerging  field of geology, his perspectives on the education system, and more.

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Credits: Gyanendra, Anuj Yadav & Manav Parmar

Mentor: Kumud

The Ripple Effect: IIT Bombay’s Decision to Discontinue Branch Change Examined Through First-Year Students’ Perspectives

This Freshie Feature Panel 2023-2024 surveyed some of their peers to gauge the sentiments about the removal of branch change for their batch and present the findings along with their personal experiences in this following article.

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Credits: Aman Russel and Rishit Kersharwani

Mentor: Shivam


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3rd SPIC MACAY International Convention – Roots, IIT Bombay

Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without

Know your Prof: Dr R.B. Sunoj

Disclaimer: The content on this website is strictly the property of Insight, IIT Bombay. Content here cannot be reproduced, quoted or taken out of context without